Removing a Fireplace

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction


  1. Is this in an old terrace house in UK? My bedroom looks like it has something like this once upon a time, now blocked up..
  2. Lmao in shock horror!!! OMG!!! Have these people no idea?
  3. this is hell! you cant do this it is not right people don't respect history!!! >:(
  4. I love 1930s fireplaces,he could have sold it, but I don't think it's original to the house because there is a mould on the skirting boards at either sides
  5. Step 1: Remove face tiles for no reason.... Pry bar and gloves not required LMAO!
  6. Really don't understand why people board up fireplaces, your house was built with a chimney, make use of it! If not for removing gases of combustion from your living space, its providing a convection ventilation ensuring fresh air circulation in your home.
  7. what a weird fireplace
  8. A word of caution...The cement used in 1930's fireplaces often contained asbestos.
  9. Keeping it would add value to the house, too many cowboys removing original features over the years.
  10. Talk about overkill man.
  11. Now you don't have a useful fireplace and instead a gaping hole and a big dusty mess. 
  12. Ok, so you are a heartless tough guy with a battering ram type tool thingy. But lets see the video you do when you are stripping that woodchip wallpaper off that chimney breast. 
  13. Should be renamed "How not to remove a fireplace". You can see towards the end that the piece on the left side is still attached to the wall. Thats because old tiled grates were usually attached to the wall by wire. Find the wire, cut through it, you can then remove the fireplace and hearth intact. Much less mess and noise.
  14. Not particularly informative.   Video could have just as easily been called "how to smash up a fireplace".
  15. Shame, you do know that was probably worth £200 - 300 pounds, 1930's art deco fireplaces are quite sought after ;)
  16. do you need to seal the top and bottom of the smoke chamber?

Additional Information:

Visibility: 69444

Duration: 2m 37s

Rating: 27