Resource Furniture: Italian-Designed Space Saving Furniture

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Ron Barth, President of Resource Furniture (, demonstrates and explains their amazing line of Italian-designed space-savers.


  1. FURNITURE 😀👍OK 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
  2. great for small hose like mine. what does it cost?
  3. People with tiny houses must love you guys. That furniture is awesome!
  4. Oh is son good
    I like it
  5. it's amazing.
  6. I subscribed to you for your woodworking skills and creativity. This video was a pleasant surprise when I clicked on the thumbnail
  7. waw
  8. does anybody know how long is the warranty on these because by using the same mechanism everyday for sure at some point it stops working, also what if happens at midnight?
  9. I need the item of 5:35 minutes, what should I do to get it, what is the company web page? Regards
  10. Genius design! Thank you for your ideas!
  11. Идеально решение
  12. 7 years ago and it looks much better than IKEA 2017LOL
  13. Excelente video, me ha gustado mucho como muestran la viabilidad y capacidad para ahorrar espacio que tienen estos muebles, felicidades :)
  14. so you're telling me I'll have to unpack and pack my bed, every time I want to read another book or leave it when I'm ready to sleep and I'm done reading.
  15. quando eravamo ancora intelligenti e credevamo nella nostra.bravura. adesso ci hanno tolto pure la fantasia, sono passati 7 anni ma ne sembrano passati 70. beautifoul video, very good stuff, allmade in the old italy. i miss you lost country... where are you now?
  16. Вступайте в лучшее сообщество про мебель!
  17. Can I order a desk/sofa/double or queen bed wall bed ? I live in Newfoundland Canada and look forward to hearing how I get one of these systems. I can be reached at (709)687-3456 Thank so much Ron! Sincerely, Michele
  18. اين تباع
  19. u

Additional Information:

Visibility: 17225864

Duration: 6m 30s

Rating: 52839