Rick Steves' Andalucía: The Best of Southern Spain

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Join Rick as he weaves Andalucía's rich mix of culture, cuisine, history, and natural wonders into a 60-minute special. The hour includes the major cities of Sevilla, Córdoba, and Granada; flamenco, sherry, and horses; dramatic white-washed hill towns; and fun in the Costa del Sol sun — plus a dash of Britain in Gibraltar. © 2010 Rick Steves' Europe


  1. So full of stereotypes, however closer to real life than many other shows about Andalusia previously broadcast on TV
  2. as per islamic studies forecasting the chriest(a) will come again at end of world and follow islamic lifes....then are you christians follows him with islamic believe or you continue the same christianity?!!!....
  3. There's some bullboards in the countryside in Mexico. Legacy of Spaniards.
  4. This is great because I will visit Spain someday. Thx for the info Rick Steves
  5. Southern spain is interesting
  6. Lol the Muslims arrived in 711.
  7. 13:49 ALLAHU AKBAR
  8. love for Spain from Pakistan
  9. Amazing job like love it!!! I am going to Andalusia soon and this video very helpful and show has many things to offer!! Short stay not enough to cover all cities! However the sad truth is how they changed the Heritage of the Islamic ancient in Andalusia and destroyed the mosques overthere!! Likely there's small part remaining so we can enjoy the great ancient! Thanks for your big effort!!👍👍
  10. Spain is next for me I will land on Sunday :)
  11. why did my spanish teacher make me watch this
  12. Que pena dan los que se quieren sentir europeos menospreciando Andalucía. Andalucía es una joya de Europa y Europa es variada en cultura e historia. Los Españoles son distintos a los europeos igual que los europeos son distintos entre sí. Los Españoles del norte no son distintos a los del sur. La muestra es la forma de divertirse. Si vas a Pamplona ves que el norte es diferente a Europa. Lo que ves allí es mucha gente en la calle mucho alcohol y toros, y el carácter de la gente es distinto al de otras partes de Europa.
  13. Jeb Bush?
  14. Gypsies in Spain are also NOT nomadic
  15. Thank you :) Nice video. Good info
  16. Old Marbella is lovely actually.
  17. Flamenco y Semana Santa... Madre mía...
  18. Would like to visit Gibraltar but it is so expensive for flights and accommodation
  19. I love Spain great country. Everyone is so friendly and the speak very good English. Would love to visit Gibraltar and Valencia
  20. Yeah, a rich mixture of Culture: Killing a bull with a mixture of cruelty and torture first! OLEY!!!

Additional Information:

Visibility: 828260

Duration: 54m 56s

Rating: 2719