RSA ANIMATE: The Secret Powers of Time

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Renowned psychologist Professor Philip Zimbardo explains how our individual perspectives of time affect our work, health and well-being. This RSA Animate was taken from a lecture given as part of the RSA's free public events programme. The RSA is an Enlightenment-founded charity, and is dedicated to driving social change and spreading world-changing ideas. Follow the RSA on Twitter: Like the RSA on Facebook: Listen to RSA podcasts: See RSA Events behind the scenes: ------ This audio has been edited from the original event by Becca Pyne. Series produced by Abi Stephenson, RSA. Animation by Cognitive Media.


  1. Awesome, clear, and easy to understand!!!!
  2. this guy draws really fast
  3. Interesting video! Thanks for sharing.
  4. I completely agree with this, but when u look at it from their perspective... They want to raise people who are not thinking with their own head, who sit and do what their told to, makes it easier to control, right? Like a bunch of sheeps. I do strongly believe that we can break this system together tho, and make it into something amazing for the next generations, image the world with creative, happy people who have found jobs that they love.... Seems great, eh? Well... We keep spreading all those ideas and facts, now it's time to achieve all that, and I do think we are on the right way!
  5. It is absolutely not about the time perspective! the false time perspective (no future orientation) is a sign of ADHD which has to be treated! (see Russel Barkley).
  6. I think that I would be pretty future oriented, but it makes sense to not wear wrist watches. It being single function devices is a ok reason but more importantly we have mobiles now! why wear it? Fashion? we decide what is fashion, fashion should be based on utility imo

    Anyway waiting, I hate waiting too, but thats because that time that you could potentially spend on something useful, learn something, listen to music, ANYTHING. but imagine just standing in a line for an hour. If you don't do anything, that hours a waste.

    But thankfully we can imagine, we can day dream, so really that time cant be wasted.

    Oh yeah family dinners are Super important. Guys we need more of those.
  7. sup
  8. I think it's ludicrous to say there cannot be family values without family dinners. Families can do many other things as a whole, and to apply your barometer as the only one is preposterous.
  9. can you tell me the name of the software you are using?
  10. I had to speed up the video because it was slow!
  11. Have you ever before liked running your fingers down a chalk board? I will be moving with one's own flo now vs someone's perception 9:37 of time.
  12. But societies are never truly homogeneous, especially in today's global world. Not everyone thinks the same. And taking average doesn't really present the whole picture or even the truthful picture.
  13. Merci pour cette vidéo qui met en évidence que la perception du temps est influencée par la culture et l’emplacement géographique
  14. I watched this at 1.5x speed.

  16. "Life begins after the death of the mortal body"
    Sounds like Islam ......
  17. So... we should change the educational system. It is a little bit difficult in some places. But why not introducing games and such in schools.... Hmmm... how much time did I spend thinking something that didn't help at all.... whatever It will just keep playing my Rpg.😜
  18. Being present-oriented does not equate to hedonism.
  19. Why volunteers work, if they're given the freedom to do their passion.
  20. What an interesting video...

Additional Information:

Visibility: 4042521

Duration: 10m 9s

Rating: 31410