Ruby Midwest 2011 - Keynote: Architecture the Lost Years by Robert Martin

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob) has been a software professional since 1970. In the last 40 years, he has worked in various capacities on literally hundreds of software projects. He has authored "landmark" books on Agile Programming, Extreme Programming, UML, Object-Oriented Programming, C++ Programming and Clean Code. He has published dozens of articles in various trade journals. Today, he is one of the software industry's leading authorities on Agile software development and is a regular speaker at international conferences and trade shows. He is a former editor of the C++ Report and writes regular blogs at


  1. I'm also a little upset with the default rails 'architecture'. I'm trying to change that with:
  2. Quite a bright character! I like the way he talks. Thanks Uncle Bob, nice talk.
  3. This is a rabbit hole from which you will never emerge.
  4. Around 21 minutes, Bob starts playing with lasers.
  5. Geez, I'd absolutely HATE having this guy as an uncle (or as anything, really). Alright, he knows his stuff, but he just sounds like a fucking condescending asshole.
  6. Thanks a lot for sharing this video.
  7. I don't agree with the top-level directory vs building plan analogy. The top-level directory of rails reflects its convention over configuration approach, which is its whole point.
  8. So, the first directory level now has "interactors/" instead of "controllers/". Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose...
  9. I want to see the code. Where is the proof? Just talking does not prove anything. He wrote Fitnesse and ended up not needing any database, so what? For complex application we do need databases. His suggestions lead to over-engineered and bloated software.
  10. What is advocated here is not just over-engineering, but specifically fighting against the grain of Rails.  I was on a team that tried this, it wasn't long before everyone wanted to bail.  "The database is a detail" is exactly the opposite of the purpose of an ORM like ActiveRecord: binding the model code and the database in order to minimize any impedance mismatch.  There are benefits and drawbacks (like everything in software), but to use an ORM and then abstract away from it is working at cross-purposes.  The resulting stack will have extra layers of indirection and translation that have to be maintained -- and the Rails devs who come after you will surely not say nice things about you!
  11. Best opening music ever!
  12. This is a great talk by Vizzini from the Princess Bride
  13. 11:35 becasue most of the "developers" today don't even know how to create architecture of an app..... structure makes the ppl follow rules! that's why web devs keep getting pwned and hacked .... 99% of the time they cant code shit!
  14. very good talk
  15. too long winded!
    boil it down and get to the point!
  16. Like it.
    I feel it comes closer to the DCI(by J. Coplien) now. But why so fancy name - Interactors??? why not just call it UseCase???
  17. Great talk on Software Architecture, especially if you primarily use a large web framework. 
  18. Fabulous talk, thanks Rob!
  19. Dr. Strangecode
  20. His point kind of fell flat because with his proposed architecture there were also no domain-specific details, it was all abstract, and thus the top level folder structure would also be generic and still not show 'what kind' of application it was. You would probably see three folders: presentation layer, business layer, and data layer. Nothing revealing about that.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 113993

Duration: 0m 0s

Rating: 1211