Russian Futurists - Telegram from the Future

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Russian Futurists song set to 1956 design promotion film.


  1. <3 one of my most played. :) :( :) :( perfect
  2. Way ahead of his time.
  3. reminds me of freshman year :(
  4. you know, the weird thing is that i found this band when i was looking fo material on the actual rusian futurists, and now i love them. A slap in the face of public taste!
  5. Tolly crazy
  6. yeah sweeeeeeeeeeeeet
  7. Wow. Love the opening shot. I think I might have seen this pormotional movie. At least it looks like the same woman from a movie called Cindy Goes To A Party.
  8. Awesome!
  9. Better than Paul Simon IMHO.
  10. Great video. Great Song. Beautiful.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 27475

Duration: 3m 47s

Rating: 90