Sao Paulo Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia

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São Paulo, one of the world’s most populated cities, is Brazil’s exciting hub of business, culture, creativity and hospitality. ‘Sampa’ was founded in 1554, at the spot of the historic Pátio do Colégio. Once home to the region’s first main Catholic Church, the central Praça da Sé now houses the towering Metropolitan Cathedral. Two beautiful historic buildings have been transformed into Cultural Centers: The Banco do Brazil and the Júlio Prestes Train Station. While the city’s most esteemed museums are the São Paulo Museum of Art, on the famous Avenida Paulista, and the Pinacoteca do Estado. The Viaduto Santa Ifigenia, an art nouveau bridge, leads pedestrians to the ornate Municipal Theatre, with its impressive Sala São Paulo concert hall. Don’t miss Ibirapuera Park, which is home to the modern Ibirapuera Auditorium, the São Paulo Museum of Modern Art and the Afro Brazil Museum. Meet Brazil’s soccer heroes through the interactive exhibits of the Football Museum in Pacaembu Stadium. Nearby, Vila Madalena is a bohemian district with quirky stores, funky cafés and colorful street art. In the Mercado Municipal, tourists gather to taste the local cuisine while the Paulistanos bargain for fresh produce and gourmet food. Explore all of São Paulo’s neighborhoods and bustling cultural hubs to discover that this city is not only the engine behind Brazil’s economy, but also its cultural powerhouse. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow us on social media: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Pinterest: Google+: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow us on our travel blog, Viewfinder:


  1. I'm from Germany and Brazil is the best and happiest country I have ever been to.
  2. Crazy nightlife and many things to explore. It's a beautiful city.
  3. The best place to spend the night and the dz7 can i gringazada recommend
  4. I want Belo Horizonte!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    bcs here aere born Max & Igor Cavalera!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. nice
  6. Eu sempre tive vontade de conhecer muitos lugares. Tem muito mais lugares que eu quero conhecer e eu já me imagino a visitar Sampa. Greetings from Indonesia!
  7. very cool video, but EXPEDIAAAAA why the SPANISH accent on top? We speak PORTUGUESE, our accent is very different from the Spanish accent when we speak English. Should put a Brazilian- Portuguese accent on top if your intention was to make a video as if it were narrated by a local. Just a thought. Nice video though.
  8. Is amazing São Paulo...
  9. Deixei São Paulo 25 anos atrás e me mudei para o exterior. Depois de todos esses anos, continuo paulistano no coração. Sampa querida, terra onde nasci, terra que nunca deixarei de amar!
  10. Cuidado pra não ser sequestrado capital do sequestro no Brasil,tome cuidado eles explodem bancos e aí perto fica a Cracolândia onde o curtiram joga kkkkkkkkk saudações do Rio de janeiro paubichas
  11. sério, depois desse vídeo ao comparar com outras cidades do Expedia sinceramente fiquei com pena de São Paulo! (nada contra) mas o canal bem que se esforçou porém ficou claro que SP não é uma cidade pra Turismo pois ela possui tudo que qualquer outra cidade tem, parques, prédios, gastronomia e futebol... mas o pior fica em seu urbanismo que infelizmente é horroroso assim como é na maioria das cidades brasileiras, eu fico imaginando um oque parisiense acharia dessa cidade vendo esse vídeo...
  12. Do Colombia!
  13. why do not you say terrible public security
  14. Brazil rocks
  15. Te amo meu país, te amo são paulo
  16. se são Paulo fosse assim. Eu moro aqui
  17. expedia vocês poderia fazer um video de Goiânia Goias Brasil
  18. The city is so big, hectic and chaotic that it is not easy to visit.
  19. If you wanna visit the real Sao Paulo, like those slums where the poor reside,which is crime infested and gangs are operating in the city through intimidation and fear by exploiting their own communities.
  20. The mercado municipal caught my attention.

    I believe something similar can be done in the Mercado Central in Trujillo - PERU.

    Excellent video.

    ps I just subscribed

Additional Information:

Visibility: 182646

Duration: 8m 6s

Rating: 1204