Scelsi - Piano Sonata No. 3 : I Lento, rubato

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Piano Sonata No. 3 (1939) Giacinto Scelsi (1905-1988) was an extraordinary Italian composer whose important place in music history is not yet widely acknowledged. In his youth, he was one of the few Italian disciples of Schoenberg and an enthusiast of contemporary music. His early works from the 1930s/40s reveal a plethora of 20th-century aesthetics from dodecaphony, futurism, neo-classicism, to a kind of mysticism comparable to late-period Scriabin. From 1950 on, Scelsi explored Eastern, especially Tibetan, pantheism and theosophy, which greatly influenced his music. In some of his later works such as the Four Pieces for Orchestra (1961), he often focuses on reiterating single pitches while varying the rhythm, attack, timbre, and microtonal inflections. In other later works (String Quartet No. 4), his music is static and characterized by glissandi, trills, and microtonal harmonies. Much of his music was not composed on paper but improvised; it was left to assistants under his direction to transcribe the recordings and realize them as orchestral scores.


  1. ...
  2. charming
  3. 'Much of his music was not composed on paper but improvised; it was left to assistants under his direction to transcribe the recordings and realize them as orchestral scores.' This procedure defines Scelsi as not a serious, professional composer.
  4. Wow. Superb.
  5. I was brave enough to buy this! I'm the only one in my household that actually likes it though.....
  6. beautiful and vastly underrated
  7. thanks for uploading. Scelsi is a fascinating composer.  ~ <3 ~ :D:P
  8. No dislikes? Hurrah!
  9. Intense, difficult music. What's not to like? Just recently discovered Scelsi via the quartets., there's obviously a lot more good stuff where that came from. Thanks for uploading!
  10. Heidegger is overrated.
  11. Who's the pianist?
  12. Lovesgenet is back listening to this gorgeous sonata .It never leaves me like the Berg piano sonata it is mesmerizing! I really love this music !
  13. Do you know whether this piece is an example of those Scelsi composed improvisationally and transcribed?
  14. wonderful piece, great Scelsi, thanks for upload!
  15. Thanks for uploading! Scelsi is a fascinating composer. This piece looks very difficult to play.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 49151

Duration: 8m 15s

Rating: 355