Sequence_Seoul_Fashion Week_2015

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

The aliens have landed. They bring with them a neo-futuristic and overly flamboyant space-ship. Insular and monumental; a “white elephant” within its context. A gigantic sculpture, aesthetically adorned by the world. Theoretically and intellectually debated. Architecturally hated and loved. Seemingly critical and unequivocal, given my "trained and manicured" education and personal opinion, justified in my own right- the energy of Seoul Fashion Week 2015 has taken my breath away. Finding myself dumbfounded with self-inflicting notions of hypocrisy and irreverence, in awe of the social and spatial potential of an unidentified and uncontextualized space-ship, I realize only too late that together, both fashion and architecture express experimental, inquisitive and unrealized ideas of personal, social, and cultural identity. It's intention and execution acts as a reflection of the interests of its targeted audience and the age’s ambition. The convergence of two disciplines thus creates ample opportunity for a design-centered discussion and debate- that which in my mind creates a successful project. Conclusions must be made, and a normative position should be established. It will however not happen. This is an overly thought-out, unstructred soliloquy, and has made me ask the necessary questions. Seoul Fashion Week has been a success.


    Additional Information:

    Visibility: 181

    Duration: 2m 28s

    Rating: 8