Smallest Cinema in the World

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

The Excelsior Cinema. A beautiful cinema created by Kevin Wheelan in his garage. A real gem that has taken him 20 years to put together from memorabilia he's collected and other elements he's designed in the traditional art deco style of the classic British cinemas.


  1. amazing,congratulations.
  2. Great Little Thing!
  3. Great keep up the good work
  4. This isn't the smallest theatre in the world u should check my vid out that's the real one
  5. What a wonderful little setup. Reminded me how much we take for granted these modern days, film-wise.

    I imagine the cartoon characters placed about the place were a female touch, perhaps a daughter or wife. But whomever it was it's nice to see they have the proper respect for Taz and gave him his own centre seat.
  6. Well done Kevin! I too have a 35mm cinema in my garage at present upgrading to a modern Vic5 projector and sound system. Lets keep the original 35mm cinema alive...
  7. Absolutely magnificent. I need to go there.
  8. Near Surbington..UK

Additional Information:

Visibility: 5043

Duration: 6m 7s

Rating: 33