SODASTREAM Soda Maker with EvanTubeHD

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

While visiting Grandma, we made orange soda with her SodaStream Soda Maker! YUMMMM! SODASTREAM info Making carbonated water and soft drinks is simple! Turn tap water into sparkling water in under 30 seconds, with no clean-up. Enjoy the freshness and convenience of homemade soda and protect the environment at the same time. No heavy bottles to carry, store at home or throw away. Fizz to your taste and add the flavor of your choice to make your favorite drink. Simple to clean and reuse. With a variety of colors and silhouettes, you'll be sure to find a soda maker to match with any decor. Royalty Free Music by Sound Effects by


  1. Do coke and give it to me I really want some right now
  2. Jillian is adorable
  3. You. Guys are so little
  4. evan aint goin to be a dank meme dancer
  5. EvanTube Family! Evan=👦 Jillian=👧 MommyTube=👩 DaddyTube=👨 Chloe The Dog=🐶 (2017)
  6. Soo cute
  7. LOL
  8. me too
  9. who loves the four chanels like
  10. I think it not put carbonite only gas of normal soda
  11. me
  12. awh I am watching in 2017 and if you see them now there sooooo cute
  13. jillan looks so cute when she was hugging the dog
  14. Sub= good luck for a year
  15. How old are you?
  16. it's 2017!
  17. Jill: My Broder was inerraping me
  19. At 4:15 evan said carbon nioxide
  20. Evan said curban dioxide

Additional Information:

Visibility: 6580227

Duration: 5m 10s

Rating: 15634