South Beach Miami

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Miami's famous street located in the southern part of Miami Beach known as the South beach or SoBe. Ocean Drive is great place for people watching from numerous trendy restaurants, cafes, and lounges. The white sand of South Beach stretches for miles, and it's the contrast of white sand and turqoise water that makes the ideal backdrop for the picturesque Art Deco buildings that have made Miami Beach famous around the world. Ocean Drive is where everything that is considered "Miami": beautiful people, Art Deco buildings, tropical cocktails and music...Every time you walk the Ocean Drive it revels you new secret...Ocean Drive is one of the great reasons to chose Miami as home...


  1. It is pretty nice, man some spots are for the birds
  2. OMG! I was really jammin to this, I even started vogueing and I'm a girl! No really, but this is a gospel song? Nice. I love the lord and everything I loved the photos. South Beach is soooooo darn gorgeous,the buildings look like candy I tell you! And the interiors, don't get me started on the interiors. I can't wait til I finish school. I'm doing my final paper on Art Deco furnishings,of course I have to touch on other things as well like architecture,jewelry, and whatnot
  3. Spent a few days at South beach a few years ago for a seminar. Stayed at the Clairmont on Collins and spent time on the beach, Mangoes and walk around a few blocks to Miami ink. Saw the crew. I tried to figure out which building the chainsaw seen from scarface was filmed.
  4. Good luck, I'm sure you will be able to come here soon!
  5. USA....dream country, for me!
  6. i love the song i go in may 2008 to florida :-) what is the name of the song ?

Additional Information:

Visibility: 18296

Duration: 4m 37s

Rating: 14