Soviet Gothicism

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

-Иcпoльзoвaлиcь кapтины архитектора Якова Георгиевича Чернихова. -Мyзыкa Apoptose. -Cдeлaнo в Vegas Pro 9. Посетите: -Paintings by architect Yakov Georgievich Chernikhov. -Music by Apoptose. -Made with Vegas Pro 9. Visit: "Soviet Gothicism" is my personal term for the style of Soviet architect Yakov Georgievich Chernikhov, who combines constructivism, futurism, gigantism and some gothic elements in his visions of Soviet Architecture.


  1. Albert Speer had nothing on this guy
  2. New subscriber here. I never knew Soviet-Gothic architecture was a thing; great choice of soundtrack btw.
  3. Emperor protects.
  4. music is a bit scary...
  5. Gorgeous. A shame that the West will not even look upon the USSR's many accomplishments. I love the combination of steam-punk gothicism in the works; it emboldens a unity between tradition and progress.
  6. Any chance of a little bit of an explanation in English?
  7. This is more futuristic that all the post-modernist "modern" garbage that passes for architecture today. What background music is it?
  8. Beautiful!
  9. well, even if they drew influence from him...they chose beautifully ;)

Additional Information:

Visibility: 6464

Duration: 2m 56s

Rating: 87