SS CHAMPLAIN 1932 French Line

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

The last of the "trio" including SS Colombie an SS Lafayette, the "Champlain" was a commercial highlight begining with the inaugural trip on June 18th 1932. René Prou, architect, gave this liner a very sleek, but extremly friendly touch. The Interiors were simply elegant and modern, in harmony with bright colors. Outside the SS Champlain had a great "cleaned" sun-deck, result of the situation of her streamlined funnel. The liner was destroyed, and sunk in 1940, by hurting a mine in La Pallice.


  1. horrible music spoils the vid
  2. good video, but change the music please!
  3. I just notice that the Champlain's stern is similar to Normandie's.
  4. SS Champlain -- The first modern ocean liner<3
  5. Hi jlm596, thanks to share this with us. These family histories give life to this the aren't only videos or photos, but real part of people's life a long time ago.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 4292

Duration: 7m 55s

Rating: 19