St. Joseph's Catholic Church on Capitol Hill--Architectural Highlights

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

One of Seattle's architectural treasures is St. Joseph's Catholic Church on Capitol Hill. This structure on 18th Avenue was built in 1932. This white Art Deco building glistens majestically in a lovely Capitol Hill neighborhood. Highlights include a magnificent steeple, attractive landscaping, and a gorgeous interior featuring beautiful stained glass and mosaic art pieces. For more information about exploring beautiful Seattle, please visit our web site at


  1. I grew up in and was married in this parish.  It wasn't until later that I learned the story. A church was planned for Capital Hill and it was going to be the more traditional Gothic style.  Then the stock market crashed so the diocese had to go back to the architect to ask him to design a church that could be built for half the money.  His new design was in the simpler Art Deco style.  What a piece of luck!  It's is marvelous.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 1136

Duration: 2m 4s

Rating: 5