Stand for the Truth: A Government Researcher Speaks Out

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In August of 2016, a former employee of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) began looking into the reports his agency had released years earlier on the collapse of the World Trade Center. What he found shook him to the core. In this poignant half-hour interview, Peter Michael Ketcham tells his story of discovering that the organization where he had worked for 14 years had deliberately suppressed the truth about the most pivotal event of the 21st century. Through his willingness to look openly at what he failed to see in front of him for 15 years, Mr. Ketcham inspires us to believe that we can all muster the courage to confront the truth — and, in so doing, finally heal the wounds of 9/11. Featuring: Peter Michael Ketcham Producer: Ted Walter (AE911Truth) Videographers: John Massaria and Richard Grove Learn how you can make a difference at


  1. Michael, I want to very sincerely thank you for your courage in speaking truth to power in what is still a very sensitive topic for so many. Thank you so much for your courage! God bless you!
  2. It was no accident that they blew the tops of the towers first,
    they created a smoke screen over the buildings first & only then started the main collapse after
    in order to obscure evidence of demolition from the outside,

    Also one of the towers doesn't start to collapse at the plane impact point.
    and both towers have fires right at the tops near the roof?
    The plane damage was nowhere near that area on the second tower,
    the plane impact point was a lot lower.

    I think the top floors of the towers were set to burn excessively on purpose,
    because they needed all the top levels rigged to collapse them first,
    and to create as much of a smoke screen as possible over the rest of the building.

    On the second tower the damage and fire position has moved to cover about 100 floors up,
    from the plane impact point, it just wouldn't happen, everything in the towers was fire resistant,
    not so flammable that a fire could jump up 100 floors and start smoking like a giant smoke grenade cloud,
    which was just handy enough to obscure the buildings while they completely collapsed on themselves.
  3. this guy is an absolute fucking hero, any govt employee who knows ANYTHING more about the events of 9/11 and chooses not to speak up is 100% complicit in these crimes
  4. That dirty Paki from NIST should be shot and pissed on
  5. In building 7 there was a command center that house the hard drives that held all the footage from all the security cameras in the whole world trade center complex. That had to be destroyed saw the American people would believe the GOV. LIE
  6. I feel glad that this guy finally snapped out of it. Took me till late 2006.
  7. Great video. Now everyone knows. Now what?
  8. 19:52 "It is the Law of Physics that things tend towards choas, collapsing symmetrically represents order."

    I would rather say that the Law of Physics tends towards the path of the least resistance. When the upper section of the South Tower collapsed, you see it tipping over 22 degrees to one side. This was because of the large damage in the North East corner of the building that lead to the eventual collapse, or collapse initiation as NIST calls it. The top section would have fall sideways next to the building because there is no resistance, only air. In response to that, the collapse of the lower section of the building should have been asymmetrical, slowed down or even stopped, but it collapsed symmetrical with acceleration at some point which can be seen in the footage.
  9. try tell my friends this they be saying "I seen it with my own two eyes on the tele" I don't no fucjed up
  10. I am surprised that there are hardly any empty YouTube accounts with random names that tend to ridicule this man with ad hominem insults like "he is just crazy" or "lost his job at NIST and tries to get even". But it has been uploaded since the 13th of March, let's wait for the trolls to come in.
  11. This is a text book example of a middle age--NOBODY (Mr. Ketcham) trying his best to be SOMEBODY. He offers no proof for the accusations that he makes against NIST. He offers no science to debunk NIST's 3 year study. Just the same old crap that somehow HE know better than all the experts. As Tony Montana says in the movie "Scarface" "you need to get a life---go work with poor people and lepers"
  12. NIST is now a criminal organisation run by people who need beheading in time square
  13. I used to have hope that enough hard evidence of the destruction of the WTC Towers and Building 7 by demolition eventually would be presented to create public demand for a truly unbiased scientific investigation of 9/11 free of government control, but that hope has faded and is almost gone. My guess is people will still be arguing about 9/11 and calling each other kooks and crazies 50 years from now just like with the assassination of President Kennedy.
  14. The military industrial complex sends soldiers off to die or get maimed over LIES! The "war on terror" is MEANT TO BE CONTINUOUS!
  15. What is it going to take to bring the real culprits to justice..?
  16. Out of the darkness of 15 years the truth has finally seeped out.
  17. The wounds of 9-11 have festered for far too long. We need to clean these wounds so that we can begin the healing process. Physical wounds require sudsy water. Psychological wounds need a ministry of "truth".
  18. how is it that my thumbs up ended up 911
  19. i weep for the children left behind in this mass murder of your fellow country men and women ,remember good TRUMPS EVIL ..................ALWAYS

Additional Information:

Visibility: 47959

Duration: 31m 33s

Rating: 1053