
Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Starlifting is the process of removing matter from stars, and in this episode we will look at how you would do this and why you would do this. We will see there are a lot of reasons, and that the methods are not very high tech at all. Visit our Website: Join the Facebook Group: Support the Channel on Patreon: Visit the sub-reddit: Listen or Download the audio of this episode from Soundcloud: Cover Art by Jakub Grygier:


  1. Stopped at 17:28...An idea I just had could be to use the star's output to power powerful lasers. Those lasers would be aimed at the outerlayers of the star, blowing off material. A collector of some kind could be used to harvest that material for later use.
  2. Zoella doesn't have shit on this guy
  3. Did you know the Wikipedia page about Star Lifting references this video?
  4. Oh my god. I've been listening to this at bedtime (Usually actually listen to about 2 whole videos before falling asleep), and I just now looked up and saw the Elmer Fudd thing. Nice to have a sense of humor about a personal flaw, but I really don't think it's very hard to understand. I thought it was regional until he mentioned it was a speech impediment. Really interesting videos though, somehow listened to 20-30 of these without subbing already, so +1
  5. This channel is AMAZING... never found anything like it, the in-depth you go on a subject is really nice to listen to, sometimes just in the background while working, great work, keep it up!
  6. facinating
  7. You missed that Hydrogen is an excellent rocket propellant and does good things for your delta V. Both for fission and fusion rockets.
  8. so we are just going to squeeze the sun, and get its matter that way?
    like i do to a Ketchup bottle... you know... sometimes the Universe really is not as complex as i think it is...
  9. What if we go to a binary star system (wich is quite common) and just harvest the matter in the middle that gets riped out of eachother?
  10. LOL, so the first episode I pick is the one that you say this isn't the one to start with.... let's play anyways!
  11. that is such a nice concept of star makers like some people move to a new planet and there like okay everyone lets take a poll who wants red who wants blue
  12. Do you ever work with science fiction writers as a consultant, or do any writing yourself?
    I could see some great material you could offer.
  13. Starforge will happen!
  14. How advanced do you have to be to make freaking stars?
    I mean, I get it, I get a late K1 or K2 civ, but I'm just trying to wrap my mind around it; it really is overwhelming when you attempt to view it through the lens of modern technological capability.
    I would even say it is mind boggling but fantastic.
  15. you forgot an 8th reason, weapons use
  16. Oh man,I appreciate your efforts,but do not use automated reading,no matter how super advanced you might think it is! believe me,in the future,the very near future,human personal interaction will be valued above all else...why do we meet in person(telepathically in 3d simulated space) in the great and high councils of Atlantia and Ramania and also on Ramad Nilan council?
  17. I so love your videos! Could u talk your FB admins into letting me me in your group please?
  18. How to move the Sun. Some old post from 2010. :)

    Controlling the sunspots is a must, after that it's easy.

    Basically you must create a sunspot in an area where the Sun could push himself in only one direction, the Earth (and other planets as well) being redirected to new orbits.

    How is this possible? The coronal mass ejections acts as a rocket, you only "help" just a little bit the Sun to make it's own cooling (release of energy) and only in a certain direction and at a certain time.

    Basically, we must constantly create a very thin "hole" (or sunspot) in a very precise area, and from there the Sun will push himself in only one desired direction - the Earth (and other planets as well) being redirected to new orbits.

    This could be done by putting a very large mirror and a big network of high power lasers (Tokamak Lasers) in a L1 Lagrangian point (1,5 millions km between Earth and Sun). This powerful device will act like the very high temperature "needle" we want and will make a very dense "spot" at the Sun's surface, thus creating a breach in the Sun's crust and plasma, at demand (don't worry, sunspots disapear after 11 or 12 days - Sun rotation at ecuator is around 28 days).
  19. +Isaac Arthur Hey Issac. In the video, you start off with saying we should watch the mega-structures episodes, but THIS video is the first one of the mega-structures playlist. Little confusing.
  20. I would think we'd want to remove the helium and replace the hydrogen to keep our star young and immortal.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 60207

Duration: 27m 5s

Rating: 1810