Streamline Moderne: San Francisco Residential Architectural Styles

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

This video is High Definition and the images benefit from increased resolution at full screen. It shows examples of Streamline Modern homes in San Francisco. For comments or questions, and to correct any errors, please notify James Dixon at


  1. Beautifully done-- the best short description of this style I have come across! My grandparents' home at 2001 Quintara (since sold) is an example. Do you have any hints on how to find out the name of the architect?
  2. Very interesting. I love that style. But you missed a prime example. 1501 Ortega Street. Recently re-done and and a beauty.
  3. Very nice..Great places to visit and photograph..! Thanks-
  4. Thanks, John. I know that people have limited time and interest about these subjects so I kept the pace rapid.
  5. Again - very interesting and concise.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 2367

Duration: 2m 28s

Rating: 15