Streisand's Malibu Ranch & Art Deco Home (circa 1985)

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Barbra Archives is an unofficial fan site since 2003 ... with news, rare pictures, exclusive interviews, and original articles about Streisand's 45+ -year career.


  1. I "get into her" for exactly the same reasons tosheatower doesn't! I love the way Barbra  cannot just have drapes but needs Egyptian drapes, I am exactly the same, but on a much lower budget! You don't actually need the cash, just an eye.  But if you just want drapes, that is ok too, we are all just different, which is what Barbra thinks we should be. 
  2. I am looking desperate for more clips ,photos etc. Has somebody more, please let me know.thanks Matt for the post,
  3. Growing up in Brooklyn back when she did all she knew was she wanted to escape the ugliness of her surroundings. All I can say is good for her, she got her wish. I know she is intense. But isn't that in part how artists think, with this intensity and passion? Your average Joe isn't going to understand her and that's okay, but I can appreciate how her mind works. Those who are not sensitive to their surroundings won't get her. Those who are will totally understand.
  4. Let's face it, we all want that kind of life. I know I do.
  5. We had the pleasure of touring the compound in '89. As she acquired the neighbor's homes, she connected them with pathways, so the grounds were really impressive. But I thought it still looked like "the neighbor's houses" because each house had such a different style that didn't look like the next. I remember thinking that during this time, Barbra must have been either REALLY paranoid about privacy, or she was just REALLY bored and didn't know what else to do with her money.
  6. She has a remarkable eye for design, I wish she could design my home.
  7. Beautiful !!!!
  8. I really like this house :)

Additional Information:

Visibility: 28916

Duration: 2m 14s

Rating: 62