Supercar: art deco cars of the 30's & 40's (Delahaye, Delage,Bugatti, Duesenberg,Cord etc)

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Art deco cars of the 30's and 40's are among the most beautiful designs in the history of car designing. Cars like Delahaye, Delage, Bugatti, Hispano-Suiza, Duesenberg, Auburn, Cord and others are considered the most captivating car designs ever. This is a tribute video for some of them, considered to be the most significant of their likes. Understandingly, other cars worth of the title were not included because it would be impossible to have them all in one video, though they are many, and this doesn't mean they are not worthy of being just as beautiful.Song is Alegria,CDS.


  1. These cars are out of sight! Now this is living. LOVE, in all truth, Heather.
  2. Diseños unicos y llenos de elegancia, me encanta el phantom y los hispano suiza :)
  3. Love to get one and make a camper conversion where they cut off the back and put a camper on instead. Did it a lot to Caddys.
  4. circo do soleil arte decó?
  5. Modern cars may be quicker, use less fuel etc but man oh man they just don't look as good as these babies and that is a fact.  We were down at the Beaulie Museon and my missus had to drag me away, kicking and screaming from a pink Cord, she said dribbling in a man of my age was embarrassing!
  6. The Delage D8 is by far the most beautiful .
  7. Even Jay Leno's mouth would be watering over this lot.
  8. Bags I the Bentley. You can keep the rest
  9. There will never be such artistry and flair, expressed in the auto industry again. It's really incredible, that during history's worst period of financial destruction, poverty  and depression---such amazing and beautiful creations ,should manifest themselves in this way. It could of course, highlight the fact that despite money being very tight, there were still enough wealthy clients, to afford and order such one-off--and in some cases, wholly impractical works of art. Virtually all these great marks disappeared when War came, and these unequalled examples of the 'Art Deco' period, as it later was termed, became unloved, lost, and undervalued---until today. Today--they are at their best again--but so valuable, that they are mostly, just visual works of ART.
  10. This video is strangely hypnotic.   Loved it.
  11. Truly magnificent Curves of Steel of the Art Deco era.. Love your video!  Also love the song you have chosen. My only wish would be that this video was available in HD.
  12. Art of The Motor Car. YouTube. Fraser Myers
  13. I could watch videos like this all day every day and never get bored, the vehicles are all rolling art, AMAZING!!
  14. This is the first I've seen of the Cadillac Hartmann. What a beautiful car, especially from the side. I found more stills here:
  15. I would have to say my favorite of the cars shown in this video is the Rolls Royce Jonckheere.   That car is simply unreal.   The form and flowing lines makes the car look like it's in motion while stopped.   There are few cars out there that can top the elegance and Art Deco inspired design of that Jonckheere.   Sure, most people think the Bugatti Atlantic is the top in the world, but I have to disagree, I think the Rolls Royce Jonckheere may have that distinction.    I love the Atlantic, don't get me wrong, but it almost seems as if the Jonckheere took it "one notch above".    There are few cars that will ever get to the level of most of these cars shown here in design.  The late 20's, 30's, and into the 40's was the all time "hey day" of car manufacturing and design.   I doubt anything will ever come close again as most cars now are designed on function rather than form like these cars were.   I think one of the closest things to these cars in todays type of cars would be the Pagani.  
  16. Hi Khaled.  Thanks for posting.  I found some of the changes a little fast, I could have looked longer, but that's minor.  These cars are works of art and I'm surprised you could find that many excellent photos of these machines.  Thanks for posting a real treat for the eyes!
  17. Thanks Sergio! I love these cars beside the Vector, & I also like the Corsair, although my best one is the Delahaye 165M. By the way, I have a model for the Delahaye that is made in Spain (by Guiloy). A very well made model :)
  18. Hi khaled nice movie and lovely cars.These cars is all elegance and art over wheels.My favorite us the Phantom Corsair.
  19. The song sounds... Familiar!

Additional Information:

Visibility: 43755

Duration: 5m 53s
