Sustainable City - SC 03 - Challenges for future cities

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

What are the approaches taken by cities around the world to overcome the 21st century urban development challenges of socio-economic and environment sustainability? Looking at cities in different continents, what is the main problem for each to solve, and where are they focusing their efforts? SPEAKERS Rob Van Gijzel - Mayor - Municipality of Eindhoven - Eindhoven - The Netherlands Juan Camilo Quintero - Executive Director - Corporación Ruta N Medellín - Medellín - Colombia David Howard - City Council member - Charlotte Municipality - Charlotte – USA Susan Riley - Deputy Lord Mayor - City of Melbourne - Melbourne – Australia MODERATOR Lluís Domènech - Director of Architecture - Barcelona Sagrera Alta Velocitat - Barcelona – Spain NOVEMBER 18th 16:15 – 17:30 ROOM A


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