Tate Modern: a new bold building for the world's most popular modern art museum

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

When it opened on the cusp of the new millennium, London's Tate Modern expected two million visitors a year. But within a year - that had become five million: the world's most popular museum of modern and contemporary art. To make room for everyone, it's built a vast new extension - the Switch House designed by architects Herzog and De Meuron and named after the power station which occupied the building before. As well as displaying more art, it will also give house room to more diverse, international artists.


  1. we filmed our music video outside the museum, it's so hard finding brick building these days in London he museum's walls looked so great as a background, we also made use of the white backdrop outiside dedicated to photographers, we're very pleased to find an institution that helps other artists
  2. UK artists with something really challenging to say outwith SFX and outwith the established cosy clique of cronies get excluded.
  3. The view from the top floor is stunning! Just uploaded a video on my channel showcasing the wonderful views
  4. what a load of fucking rubbish ! these people are sick to think this is art !
  5. Postmodern architecture is the comic sans of architectural styles. It's shallow, bland and unfortunately very common. It's the dominant style in 21st century. Compare it with the bankside power station.
  6. Idea-wanking, navel-gazing twaddle.
  7. I have just been looking at a lollypop stick for 30 minutes and all I see is a lollypop stick you would all think it's a horse jumping into a ring of fire.go seek help
  8. For those who weren't around in the 80s, channel 4 was into the bore arts. They could have been a channel back then about entertaining viewers-we needed it back then since we didnt have the Internet and most of had yet to own cable tv-so channel 4 made us suffer by showing posh bores doing vague acts,because they're spiteful and read the guardian.
  9. Anyone know what the music is at the start and end of this? I've heard it before and it's driving me nuts trying to identify it!
  10. aaah the Tate..... the most amazing art and installations and beautiful addition.
  11. looks like a meeting place for retarded people
  12. A wonderful new addition to The Ark of Arts.
  13. What a ugly building That shows the feminists are stuck in the 70s
  14. 'Insipred by our heritage'. A brick clad, cold, drab tower block celebrating those joyous 70's days of drizzle, bleakness, misery and despair.
    Now open at Tate modern!
  15. Did we really lose the war for this?
  16. Another stupid toy paid for by the regional taxpayers for the work shy metropolitan "intelligentsia" to play with instead of getting a proper job AND A LIFE !
  17. I've been to previous tate modern several times and it's amazing, i look forward to the new version (building) and new art on display once i visit.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 3961

Duration: 4m 0s

Rating: 24