TEDxEastSalon - Bjarke Ingels - Hedonistic Sustainability

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

May 9, 2011- Bjarke Ingels wows the audience with his wit and unlikely architectural solutions around the globe. Prepare to be dazzled.


  2. big blah blah..the guy is a showmaster but not an architect..grow up Ingels
  3. Future generations are going to have to undo all of the damage wrought upon their cities by these complete megalomaniacs. That building in Tallinn is nothing short of barbaric.
  4. Wonderful!
    I wish to share with you a project about building peace through socially committed, humanitarian and sustainable architecture.
    This may be of interest to those who are interested in architecture, building, community, sustainability and contributing to a more egalitarian world.
    The project is now on Kickstarter, trying to build a community around it: http://kck.st/2bKWGTD
  5. He should've publicly admitted the inspiration and clear influence of the late Viennese artist Hundertwasser - of Ingels so-called "Creating Eco-systems." He's not the originator of it, which some may get the impression by most of these talks? I hold it against him. Despite that, there's much to admire about B.I.
  6. i am studying architecture and i would love to work for this guy
  7. sort of cool
  8. Kiitos
  9. how many "sort of" he said?
  10. I love this guy and his team. This... seeing these things come to fruition, among all of the terrible things happening, is what adds quality to my life. 
  11. He sounds like Christopher Walkin trying to do a Danish accent
  12. Proud to be a danish constructing architect :D

    And Bjarke is just one of our great architects..
  13. So cool
  14. We've dreamt of cities that look like this kind of architecture since the 70s, especially the 80s. I wonder what took so long to make it possible
  15. If you can capture CO2 that way - why not turn it into a resource? How pure is the CO2? CO2 is used in all kinds of ways, not the least as botanical respiration
  16. Hanging Gardens of Babylon? Nah. Bjarke Ingels also added a bikini ski slope to his 40+foot garden
  17. I scanned some of the feedback on here. I think that it’s a favourable youtube video. My younger brother simply wants to become awesome with girls. He picked up a lot from Master Attraction. (Google it.) The advice for getting women from nightclubs from Master Attraction got him his first sex in 3 years. I was pissed however coz I heard them all. Grrrr.
  18. The main reason climate change talks break down is because they are not being honest with the facts of life. i.e. science has proved Supernovas destroy the ozone defense shield! Why tax sheeple and call it a carbon tax when it has been proved stars going boom have an effect on our eco-system? It should be called an echo system that reverberates throughout the entire universe. Those experts are either liars, iditots or just plain ignorant re: the facts of stars going boom, bust, echo
  19. Look at those capital letters! This man knows what he is talking about.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 244486

Duration: 22m 25s

Rating: 2189