TEDxEdges 2011 - Filipe Balestra - "Strategies for collective evolution"

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

In this talk at TEDxEdges 2011, Filipe Balestra gives us an insight the strategies that he has been working on for a collective evolution. Born in 1981 in Brazil, Filipe Balestra is an architect, philosopher, musician and visionary. Balestra studied architecture in Edinburgh and urbanism in Stockholm. In 2008 along with Sara Göransson he founded Urban Nouveau* - a global network of human beings to solve problems of everyday life. Balestra is the mentor of TISA (The Informal School of Architecture).Balestra's work was exposed at the Center for architecture in New York and the Museum of Architecture in Sweden.


    Additional Information:

    Visibility: 1684

    Duration: 17m 54s

    Rating: 16