Terreform on Ecology Degin

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Eco-futurist architect Mitchell Joachim of Terreform talks about growing buildings and living treehouse designs


  1. "they wanna get hard"
  2. How would you insulate the walls. I love the concept...I just want to see it more thought out and understand how it could come to be a livable home...I definitely think it's feasible though and that we should pursue it.
  3. There are a whole lot of Banyan trees, just one example, that would make some great treehouses.
  4. I always considered zoning & building codes enforcing "height limits" to be useless and counter-productive anyway. They hamper progress and, together with those regarding setbacks etc, promote sprawl. Ficus only grows in warm areas, what do people on colder places use and do the walls leak? How is that resolved? I'd like to see this concept utilized within the next few decades. Then we will see what "organic architecture" *really* is.
  5. GOOD!
  6. Eco-futurist architect Mitchell Joachim of Terreform talks about growing.... something that is a complete waste of time!
  8. @randomlaughingman Oh no, stop joking
  9. We should modify the genome of trees
  10. ¡ interesante diseño, naturaleza y ecologia frente a la necesidad de vivir del hombre,no es un frio y arido cemento !
  11. evolution... plant the house structure. great idea! congrats!
  12. i so want to see you guys (Terreform) make it
  13. a very environmentally friendly!!!
  14. Yes they do.. a DOG HOUSE!! LOL
  15. es interesante pero poco demostrativo el video, deberian poner un proyecto ya realizado o al menos en etapas y decir en que zonas, que arboles y en que paises es viable.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 142069

Duration: 4m 55s

Rating: 140