The art of asking | Amanda Palmer

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Don't make people pay for music, says Amanda Palmer. Let them. In a passionate talk that begins in her days as a street performer (drop a dollar in the hat for the Eight-Foot Bride!), she examines the new relationship between artist and fan. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more. Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at Follow TED news on Twitter: Like TED on Facebook: Subscribe to our channel:


  1. I was crying watching this video and then I questioned myself what made me cry so badly. Then I realized your talk has given me this speical hope, that this life is so abundant and there is so much of beauty around, it's just that we should never give up and stay genuine to everyone and plunge ourself to help someone who needs us. Thank you so much for ur contribution.
  2. and it works!!!!!! , universe listen to you when u ask with ur heart.... I always wanted to have this hair, and I did it... for a few hours!!! :P You just have to ask ....
  3. this has zero to do with the smart community. waste of time.
  4. Amanda has good manners and that's what matters
  5. This talk really resonated within me. Top level talk! I understand the thinking she wants people to adopt, but its like saying, throw away all your pride and ego. The thing that we have been molding since birth, she wants us to throw away. She deserves all the support shes getting and more. I really do hope people will find such courage to make a change.
  6. YOU rock!!!! ;-}~~~
  7. i discovery amanda in 'Death Deluxe Edition' thanks neil gaiman
  8. Holy cow! I was listening to the TED Radio Hour podcast and Guy had Ms. Palmer on there, and sampled this talk. I just happened to be watching classical pianist videos and one was hers, and this video was a suggested video on the right hand bar. Clicked it by chance, and it wasn't until it started I realized this was the podcast I listened to. Ms. Palmer is not at all what I expected her to look like based on the podcast. This goes to show you should never judge a book by its cover. PS this talk and the associated podcast changed my life.
  9. This is such an inspiration to me! It confirms my thesis for my masters!
  10. I love her confidence and honesty....
  11. This brought me to tear, but ultimately gave me hope. Lately i've taking that step that felt wrong and ask for help. It felt like begging, but i have no other options. I need to replace my broken guitar, because it is my heart. And indeed people have been split down the middle, some have shared and others have expressed anger with me.

    So i've asked, but the negative isn't easy. I'm still a third of the way from having enough. But i won't give up.
  12. Simply beautiful.
  13. i am extremely emotional with this ted talks im a huge fan of hers and just it speaks to me in ways i wish i could explain either way its awesome thanks for this
  14. iam not a position to tell you that but fix your eyebrow
  15. What a fucking useless talk.
  16. amazing! thanks for that ;-)
  17. I love her.
  18. I love her so much. She is my inspiration. <3
  19. "they weren't with us on the sidewalk"

Additional Information:

Visibility: 4836268

Duration: 13m 48s

Rating: 64260