The Barcelona Blueprint - Spain

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

July 2001 Once the industrial heart of the region of Catalonia in Spain, Barcelona could have become just another burnt-out, rust-belt European city that had failed to find a role in the modern, globalized world. But what set Barcelona apart from other European cities was a visionary local government which decided on radical redevelopment of the city in the run-up to the 1992 Olympics - a redevelopment that involved all the city's population. The result - Barcelona today is a model 21st century city, combining historic buildings with modern architecture in a fusion that has helped make it one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe.


  1. @fishman456 Yes, even that way. I've been there many times, people are so childishly nationalistic. Shameful.
  2. provincial and nationalistic???? with 20% immigrants? how is that possible
  3. Valencia is so much better and people like speaking Spanish, Barcelona used to be metropolitan, but now it's so provincial and nationalistic.
  4. @justiciairealitat catalonia is spain for ever
  5. when you go to barcelona, go to Catalonia, not spain. to go to spain run 500 km to left. we are catalans, never spansih Visca Catalunya ||*|| FREEDOM
  6. Look, such rude and close-minded are the Catalans. So if you don't speak Catalan you're rude and unpolite. OK, then whoever does not speak Gaelic in Glasgow or Edinburgh is also being rude... you're so ridiculous!
  7. OK, so people who do not speak Catalan are rude? You think so? You're so ignorant! Travel a wee bit more, please, or shut your bloody mouth up!

Additional Information:

Visibility: 3951

Duration: 25m 30s

Rating: 10