The Debt Ceiling Delusion - Hidden Secrets of Money 4

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Bonus Presentation here: Who owns the Federal reserve? You are about to learn one of the biggest secrets in the history of the world... it's a secret that has huge effects for everyone who lives on this planet. Most people can feel deep down that something isn't quite right with the world economy, but few know what it is. Gone are the days where a family can survive on just one paycheck... every day it seems that things are more and more out of control, yet only one in a million understand why. You are about to discover the system that is ultimately responsible for most of the inequality in our world today. The powers that be DO NOT want you to know about this, as this system is what has kept them at the top of the financial food-chain for the last 100 years. Learning this will change your life, because it will change the choices that you make. If enough people learn it, it will change the world... because it will change the system . For this is the biggest Hidden Secret Of Money. Never in human history have so many been plundered by so few, and it's all accomplished through this... The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind. =========================== For more info. on Gold, Silver, & Mike Maloney, visit the Why Gold & Silver channel and subscribe: Also join & Mike Maloney on other websites and social networks: Official Websites: & GoldSilver Facebook: Mike Maloney Facebook: Hidden Secrets of Money Facebook: Twitter ( News): Twitter (Mike Maloney): LinkedIn: Thank You for Visiting Us.


  1. Hi folks, thanks for all the great comments. Great news - Episode 7 of this series is now live, here is the link:
  2. bababababullshit!!!!!
  3. bababababullshit!!!!!
  4. Assuming we get to the point where everyone understands this, nothing will ever change unless EVERYONE comes together to do something about it. As things are now, America is too divided, by political beliefs, race, sex, gender etc. And as long as certain political candidates are in office, we will forever remain divided. As things are now, fixing this mess is next to impossible.
  5. how the hell do people not know this.
  6. I love this video. Live and Learn.
  7. Stock up on ammunition, prep for hard times to come, have gold and silver available and most of all, do not believe anything politicians say.
  8. You could get rid of the first 4 videos of this series. They're basically all summed up here.
    While I agree that our whole system is a scam, I do wonder about your intentions. you're selling gold and silver in $USD...
  9. Money is nothing but a pretext for enslavement made by the Jews. They're schemers with decrepit bodies, so they have to come up something that would avoid suspicion against them.
  10. And after knowing this; how are we supposed to act on this to make a difference to it? Or how are we supossed to use it to make a difference in our own life? We are already fucked up in the system we as individuals can't change it, or you should move to your own island or something
  11. click 'Like' if you're a freedom fighter,
    click 'Dislike' if you're a central banker.
  12. Why not have a class action suit against the Federal Reserve and the government for violating the Constitution?
  13. You know what I noticed Mike youtube doesn't support with ads because watched all your series without ads. OR did you disabled the ads ?
  14. it was fiat money that created the middle class , that's why the dollar was removed from the gold standard
  15. Mr Maloney thank you for the wonderful video, but I am fairly confused how the banks "create currency" with simply a Federal Reserve Cheque. I was under the impression that the Federal Reserve creates/prints the currency. Is the video meaning to say that the banks redeem the Federal Reserve Cheques for the newly printed currency by the Fed? please clarify I am very interested and in the first 5 min of this video
  16. شكرا لمن ترجمه للعربية
  17. Mike Maloney why has the titled changed from The Biggest Scam??????
  18. Fantastic fantastic fantastic
    Thank you for your efforts to teach us about the truth
    I'm an economist and I did not learned this valuable lesson
    Thank you
  19. If this could not wake peoples up nothing will!

Additional Information:

Visibility: 6217737

Duration: 29m 35s

Rating: 76484