The Chrysler Building: Style in the Sky

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

The story of the Chrysler building is one that blends stories of the auto industry with the contributions that Walter P. Chrysler as well as the Chrysler Corporation made on different aspects of Americana. During a time of competition among industrial corporate titans and an evolving landscape in architecture, Walter P. Chrysler guided the design and construction of one of the most stunning buildings in the NYC skyline. This story gives access to a Chrysler experience that connects the style of the era as well as the lifestyle of Walter P. Chrysler. The story of the Chrysler Building offers insights into the family legacy that Walter P. Chrysler desired to leave. It also recognizes the significance of the building as a symbol of unique art deco American architecture that has captured the attention of designers, architects, tourists, entrepreneurs and others who appreciate the art deco effects that only welded steel and gargoyles against a setting of ornate murals and intricate designs can convey. Info and video via


  1. The Spider-man's fafourite.
  2. For me, it is one of the most glorious objects ever created. I rate it with only five or six other buildings still in existence. Amazing.
  3. When in college I took a trip to NYC. Somehow I found myself in the Chrysler building and took the elevator up to the highest floor. I walked out into some company's offices and asked if I could walk around to see the views. The receptionist just smiled and said go ahead. That was 35 years ago. No way you would be allowed to do that today. Simply amazing. I think it's the most impressive building in NYC.
  4. If it were possible to ever marry an inanimate object, I'd propose from one knee to the Chrysler Building in a nanosecond. In my opinion it is the most gorgeous edifice mankind has ever erected. 
  5. Who´s behind the good music score?
  6. Great film Liked the part about the centralized vacuum system. A friend of mine folks house, a country 3 story mansion. had it. You just plugged the hose into the wall socket in each room and pressed a button adjacent to each socket to begin the vacuuming process. Was the envy of the neighborhood!
  7. When I was a 15 I got my father to take me to New York. I had three places I had to go. The Woolworth Building, the Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building. Only the Empire State building was open for public tours but this being the midsixties, security was not what it is today so you could enter the building lobbies and get on the elevators. I went as high as I could go and emerged into Texaco's offices who then held the lease for the upper floors. They weren't going to conduct a tour for a teenage boy but they did allow me to go into the offices long enough to take a few pictures of the view. Nowadays you'd no doubt be arrested if you tried to sneak up to those upper floors.
  8. The most beautiful skyscraper in the world.
  9. get over it already.
  10. this video.... is pretty epic. well done
  11. лучше бы на русском :с жаль ничено не понял фильм был бы отличным
  12. it dose am just shocked because it's an american landmark
  13. noooooo........ REALLY?

Additional Information:

Visibility: 53549

Duration: 5m 43s

Rating: 137