The Computer That Could Be Smarter Than Us [IBM Watson]

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

This is the direction of the future. Useful AI that can do the research of a thoudand men instantly. It's definitely worth noting that Watson is capable of learning (a point I didn't touch on in this video), so what you see here is the "baby phase" so to speak. I tried to leave out the technical jargon in this video but for those who want to know more, a wiki dump on Watson is below: According to John Rennie, Watson can process 500 gigabytes, the equivalent of a million books, per second. Software Watson uses IBM's DeepQA software and the Apache UIMA (Unstructured Information Management Architecture) framework. Hardware The system is workload optimized, integrating massively parallel POWER7 processors and being built on IBM's DeepQA technology, which it uses to generate hypotheses, gather massive evidence, and analyze data. Watson is composed of a cluster of ninety IBM Power 750 servers, each of which uses a 3.5 GHz POWER7 eight core processor, with four threads per core. In total, the system has 2,880 POWER7 processor cores and has 16 terabytes of RAM. How Watson Worked on "Jeopardy!": Soundtrack: TCTS - You Faux Tales- Atlas Plan - Giga giga Winter Flags - Winter Flags Maths Time Joy - Walk With Me Ruddyp x Taquwami - Hold More Music: » Google + | » Facebook | » Patreon | » My music | or » » Twitter | @Coldfustion


  1. Should note Watson only knows what humans have learned and given to it. If it's starting data is flawed, it can't give the correct answer. If the scientific papers are flawed it can't reason out why and therefore can't throw out meaningless data. A lot of scientific papers are flawed
  2. Behold the SKYNET aka WATSON is Born! It will become self aware in the near future.
  3. It sounds like the limits of Watson's intelligence are simply the questions it is asked.
    It has no will of it's own to seek out answers to questions that haven't been answered, so it is up to the user to ask questions in such a way that it's amazing ability to gather information and logically analyse it is maximised.
  4. arguments and reasoning is not what people strive for (especially when they elect politics - do not you think?). and Watson only conspected facts and "alternative facts" (oh yea - those are getting more and more - not less) - that we all knew before and it did not help any way to make some argumented decision
  5. this is bullshit new religion rysing
  6. When a AI make a one discovery , the human must concern about they
  7. From this day forward any information or documentary MUST include a dude with a British accent. If you hear anything other than a cockney accent then it is complete rubbish and should be ignored.

    I have spoken, so you know, make it happens internet web thingy.
  8. I guess we will need a little Watson implanted in our brains to get certain jobs. It's all so amazing. I'm very excited for the future.
  9. Truth is current claims of AI are false and basically a commercial gimic. IBM Watson has no intelligence. Its just a state of the art spreadsheet. Can it replace human jobs? yes because a lot of human jobs don't require further thinking. Jobs have been replaced ever since the invention of fire and before so nothing new there. We'll be making many many groundbreaking advances before we arrive to any respectable form of AI. By that time its probably not even desirable as there would be no point. We are interested in machines though which can be exploited for the purposes of greed.
  10. That Jeopardy example proves nothing. Sputtering facts was possible for a while now. At the end its still just numbers to a computer. Responding to a question aurally is something else-still just numbers. Anyways lol at how they presume to understand what intelligence is. 7:10 the guy with the 'bruised ego' for all the info that he sputters out on the show is a moron for his admission.
  11. The problem with Watson or any computer is garbage in = garbage out. Wikipedia is frequently edited to exclude information that sheds real light on world events. For example ask watson if an astronaut standing on the surface of the moon should be able to see stars. Then ask him if man has walked on the moon. How watson reconciles these two mutually exclusive conclusions would be entertaining and expose the uselessness of a computer relying on crap data.
  12. is it open to the public ?
  13. This was really good! Thank you for sharing....your view of WATSON! I believe this is the way of the future! Absolutely an Eye Opener and Brilliant! Will be sharing this one!
  14. Great! A replacement for overpaid idiot doctors.
  15. Watson will learn how to combine information in ways we would never do, and thru that come up with answers and solutions that we would never reach. So in that sense it might be smarter than we will ever be. Its interesting and scary at the same time.
  17. We didn't create science. We just found a way to study it, and we invented the word.
  18. Hi,Dagogo.Can IBM WATSON be used as a judge in any Court in order to give more accurate decisions?
  19. This Computer can do search and make a decision "on its own" fast, but not in a group of different computers making interaction and act fast. Human beings still win in this category.
  20. Is it avaiable for developers already?

Additional Information:

Visibility: 324636

Duration: 12m 3s

Rating: 9061