The "Dome Home" Fends Off Hurricanes

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

The architectural design of the Dome Home might be the future of building codes in order to withstand hurricane force winds and intense storm surges. (from Discovery Channel's "Raging Planet")


  1. This is basically an illustration of the fairy tale about three little pigs...
  2. I'd like to see it withstand sea level rise.
  3. and these homes are now abandoned...
  4. This Is the way to go instead of fucking insurance companies rebuilding homes.
  5. Can I come visit to get away from hurricane Matthew??
  6. the technology for storm proof homes has always existed...anyone can live in a bunker, it's never been about new technology but economics
  7. Genius
  8. Such a BEAUTIFUL HOUSE! Congratulations!
  9. that not not feasible for corporations cause it uses only 2 things concrete and foam that's why they won't change more profits in rebuild it's sad how greed make people life miserable
  10. I visited the Philippines a year ago and I noticed that it was prone to hurricanes so I hope they make the exact model of that house there.
  11. I thought it said hurricane ike in 2004 hell no but then I realized it was hurricane ivan
  12. NYC needs to take advice like this. I go around Manhattan and think how ridiculous it is to actually have glass buildings, the amount of damage that will cause if a hurricane worse than hurricane Sandy came through. Hell the paper thin walls we live in are no better. NYC rent is expensive but not actually worth it when it comes to the way our buildings are made, not to mention the apartments are usually tiny yet they charge 3,000 and that's for a 1 bedroom apt . If your going to charge people that much it better dame well be worth it. I'll be willing to pay that much if they made an apt building that was sturdy enough for situations like this.
  13. Dream house.
  14. People keep building stick homes then run around like frantic ants when the wind blows it away then built another one like it.
  15. I see this house all the time
  16. I watched the full video of this guy being interviewed by a newscaster during an intense storm. It may have been Ivan, not sure now. The newscaster was clearly on edge but this guy wasn't worried at all. To say the least it was an amazing video and showed how efficient the design is. Minimal damage done. The main structure was fine and only some of the aesthetically pleasing ornament was damaged.
    If anyone has a link to the full video I'd love to watch it again.
  17. Their was a nother dome in homested fl wen andrew hit the dome was the only thing left standing.
  18. Oh my God! You don't need a dome shaped home to have a structure resistant to a hurricane. You just need a good concrete construction, with a strong foundation; unlike the crappy houses they build in Florida. 
  19. I've been a fan of this since the 70's and remember Peter Jennings covering a hurricane hitting an island dome during a big hurricane in the 90's with same type results. I'm more in favor of smaller 500sf domes but admit this is one of my favorite designs.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 51354

Duration: 2m 41s

Rating: 229