The First Presidential Debate: Hillary Clinton And Donald Trump (Full Debate) | NBC News

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Presidential nominees Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton face off in the first of three scheduled presidential debates from Hofstra University. Moderated by NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt. » Subscribe to NBC News: » Watch more NBC video: NBC News is a leading source of global news and information. Here you will find clips from NBC Nightly News, Meet The Press, and our original series Debunker, Flashback, Nerdwatch, and Show Me. Subscribe to our channel for news stories, technology, politics, health, entertainment, science, business, and exclusive NBC investigations. Connect with NBC News Online! Visit NBCNews.Com: Find NBC News on Facebook: Follow NBC News on Twitter: Follow NBC News on Google+: Follow NBC News on Instagram: Follow NBC News on Pinterest: The First Presidential Debate: Hillary Clinton And Donald Trump (Full Debate) | NBC News


  1. Is anyone watching just because of SNL
  2. XD Who loves watching ppl debate?
  3. It's scary how easily Hillary lies.
  4. i would bang hillary
  5. "We would create 10 million jobs." You promised 14 million earlier, Hilary.
  6. 8 sniffs in the first 14 minutes!
  7. Melania is a babe.
  8. Why didn't Clinton get some work with her presentation style - she sounds nasal and kazoo like. She could have benefited from a professional image and speech coach. It really hurt her a lot. Too late now.
  9. Trump lied 134 times in this debate.
  10. Trump was decent for the 1st 30 mins, then Hillary got under his skin.
  11. Hillary was so much better. Good luck America,

    you done goofed.
  12. estiupid donal trupm
  13. All the smugness in the world couldn't win the election for Killary
  14. Is this what the "greatest country in the world" has become?
    THIS is a debate by the people who wanted to become the most powerful person in the world, the leader of the free world?
    "Oh China China" "Oh I'm getting blamed" "Trumped up trickle down" and interrupting each other.
    Neither Secretary Clinton nor then-candidate Trump had any respect for each other.
    And why the heck isn't Hillary locked up yet?
  15. I decided to watch this tonight since I watched it the first time before he was elected,it is now, 4-6-17,just in the first question President trump has already kept his promises.And more to come.Hilary was doubting him,BOY was she WRONG..
  16. Hilary's hair make me remember a swan, I like her hair
  17. ɷ ᕼEEYY ᖴᖇIEᑎᗪᗪᔕᔕᔕ I ᕼᗩᐯE ᖴOᑌᑎᗪᗪ ᗯ0ᖇIKIᑎGGGG OᑎᒪIᑎE ᕼᗩᑕᑕK ᐯIᔕITT : -
  18. Hillary killed him
  19. Trump is like a gerbil, Hillary is like a lizard
  20. This makes Americans look bad. Why is our country so stupid?

Additional Information:

Visibility: 13619018

Duration: 0m 0s

Rating: 79278