The Incredible 1920s 'Daytime Hotel' in Milan Remained Abandoned in All Its Art Nouveau Splendour

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

The incredible underground L'Albergo Diurno Metropolitano, which sits beneath Piazzale Venezia in Milan, Italy, was open between 7am and 11pm daily until the mid-1980s. It served as somewhere for visitors to relax while they waited to check into their hotel. Facilities included public baths, a spa, ladies hairdressers, manicure salons, ironing and wardrobe services, and even barber shops. One was open until 2003, when the owner, Carmelo Aiello, was evicted by the council. Today the daytime hotel, which reopened for a limited time in 2015, stands unoccupied.


    Additional Information:

    Visibility: 158

    Duration: 1m 31s

    Rating: 1