The Kiyotomo Sushi Bar by Shiro Kuramata 倉俁史朗《Kiyotomo壽司吧》| M+ Collection

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

M+, new museum for visual culture in Hong Kong, has recently acquired the Kiyotomo sushi bar, designed by Shiro Kuramata in 1988, as a highlight of our growing collection of design and architecture. Now deinstalled from its original location, the entire space, including interior finishes, furnishings and exterior façade, will be preserved and re-installed in the M+ galleries upon completion of the museum building. This video takes you through the history of the Kiyotomo sushi bar, the story of its deinstallation and interviews with Kuramata collectors and the M+ curatorial team. Visit for more. 由倉俣史朗於1988年設計的《Kiyotomo壽司吧》是M+最新的館藏之一,也是我們眾多設計及建築藏品中的一大亮點。現已拆離東京原址的整個設計空間,包括室內裝潢、傢俱陳設及外觀等將被完整的保留下來,待M+大樓竣工後,它將會重現於M+的畫廊中供大眾欣賞。 影片記錄了Kiyotomo壽司吧的歷史及拆卸過程,並收錄了倉俁作品收藏家和M+策展團隊的專訪。瀏覽M+網頁 了解更多。 About Shiro Kuramata One of the great Japanese designers of the 20th century, Kuramata (1934-1991) was in his time known as much for his interiors as his furniture. He created hundreds of the former, but Kiyotomo is one of only three of his interiors known to remain intact. Beautifully encompassing the designer’s explorations of material, form and the conceptual understanding of objects and spaces, Kiyotomo was a fully functioning sushi restaurant in Tokyo’s Shinbashi district until its shuttering in 2004. 關於倉俣史朗 倉俣史朗(1934-1991)是一位在20世紀舉足輕重的日本傢俱及室內設計師,曾創作的室內設計作品逾數百件。《Kiyotomo壽司吧》是其被完整保留下來的三件室內作品之一。這件創作不僅展示了倉俣對材質和形式的探索,並同時融合了他對物件和空間在概念上的理解。原本位於東京新橋區的Kiyotomo壽司吧自2004年結業後,便被空置至今。 M+ acquired the Kiyotomo sushi bar with a partial donation from Richard Schlagman. Kiyotomo壽司吧為M+購入藏品,部分由Richard Schlagman捐贈。 About M+ 關於M+ M+ is the new museum for visual culture in Hong Kong, as part of West Kowloon Cultural District, focusing on 20th and 21st century art, design and architecture and moving image. M+是一所位於西九文化區的視覺文化博物館,重點展出20及21世紀的藝術、設計與建築和影像。


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    Visibility: 8214

    Duration: 26m 4s

    Rating: 67