The Most Amazing Modern Architecture Design on Earth

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

This list of the most amazing modern architectural marvels is a survey of all feats of modern architecture in the world (including buildings, bridges, structures, and monuments) in search of the greatest modern architecture. The modern structures list contains pictures of the best modern architecture so you can vote on what you think the top architectural feats really are. Only the most exceptional examples of modern architecture buildings have been included on this list. -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch our newest video: "Antalya Travel Guide: Top 10 Antalya Tourist Attraction" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-


  1. This is a very uneven survey (actually noteworthy and mediocre side by side), but more critically not one building is identified: building name, building type and location.
  2. Why can't people tell the difference between modern and postmodern??? I mean just because a building has glass curtain wall doesn't make it modern. All of the buildings in the vid were eclectic and postmodern. A true example of modernism would be the bauhas, Eikler homes, Villa Savoye......
  3. More ugly than a monkey butt.
  4. ugly

Additional Information:

Visibility: 14712

Duration: 5m 21s

Rating: 53