The New York Neo-Futurists present "Laika Dog in Space" short film #2: Poem

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Laika Dog in Space, featuring New York Neo-Futurists Rob Neill, Jill Beckman, and Eevin Hartsough, runs October 1-17 at the Ontological Hysteric Theater. For more info go to Video by: Kyle Anderson


  1. VERY, VERY COOL! Michael Waters is an astounding poet of the highest caliber. Great job by the Neo-Futurists!! And where could this possibly exist and reach such a large audience besides the internet? Seems like a strong argument for the great poets to consider when thinking if publishing on the internet is the way to go.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 909

Duration: 1m 48s

Rating: 6