The Obelisk of Ancient Egypt: Ancient Egyptians Architecture

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Obelisks were prominent in the architecture of the ancient Egyptians, who placed them in pairs at the entrance of temples. The word "obelisk" as used in English today is of Greek rather than Egyptian origin because Herodotus, the Greek traveller, was one of the first classical writers to describe the objects. A number of ancient Egyptian obelisks are known to have survived, plus the "Unfinished Obelisk" found partly hewn from its quarry at Aswan. These obelisks are now dispersed around the world, and fewer than half of them remain in Egypt. The earliest temple obelisk still in its original position is the 68-foot (20.7 m) 120-ton red granite Obelisk of Senusret I of the XIIth Dynasty at Al-Matariyyah part of Heliopolis. The obelisk symbolized the sun god Ra, and during the brief religious reformation of Akhenaten was said to be a petrified ray of the Aten, the sundisk. It was also thought that the god existed within the structure... Ancient Egyptian Weapons & Battles - by Ancient Civilizations Documentary -


  1. obelisk the tormentor
  2. Now try this in Africa where its 130degree Sunlight on you. No MELANIN no LIFE.
  3. "Goatherder" Arabs to duplicate what Black African womans ancestors erected. in AFRICA. with MELANIN. Another African Monolith.
  4. Well done guys. I have a good theory on how the obelisks were loaded and off loaded from the barges.Let me know if you are interested?
  5. so Arab people have no rhythm??

Additional Information:

Visibility: 5071

Duration: 52m 31s

Rating: 17