The palaces of Vienna and Music

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Vienna, also described as Europe's cultural capital, is a metropolis with unique charm and flair. It boasts outstanding infrastructure, is clean and safe, and has all the inspiration you could wish for. The Hofburg was orignially a medieval castle, but today only the castle chapel ('Burgkapelle') demonstrates its medieval past. The Hofburg was extended to a magnificent residence when the Habsburg's power increased. That's why one can find almost any architectural style, from gothic to art nouveau. The two magnificient palaces on the Belvedere grounds lie in the middle of a splendid park. They were constructed for Prince Eugene of Savoy by J.L. von Hildebrandt, a famous Baroque architect.


    Additional Information:

    Visibility: 1257

    Duration: 9m 31s

    Rating: 2