The Philosophy of Star Trek [Federation, Post Scarcity Economy, Alien Cultures]

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Remastered presentation on the Philosophy of Star Trek - The most popoular Sci-Fi franchise in American history, which features a post-scarcity economy and well known alien cultures such as the Vulcans. Topics include: Star Trek, Gene Roddenberry, Counterculture Revolution of the 60s, Cold War, Humanism, Futurism, Chrysalis Project, Eugenics War, Khan Noonien Singh, Eastern Coalition, World War 3, Post Atomic Horror, Zefram Cochrane, Warp Drive, First Contact, Vulcan Philosophy, Age of Enlightenment, New World Economy, Post Scarcity Economy, Communism, Venus Project, Replicators, 3d printing, Money, Gold Pressed Latinum, United Earth, United Federation of Planets, The Prime Directive, Section 31, Marquis, Michael Eddington, Romulans, Cardassian Union, Klingon Empire, Ferengi Alliance, Rules of Acquisition, The Great Material Continuum, The Dominion, The Founders/Changeling, Vorta, Jem'Hadar, Borg Collective, Nanoprobes, Collective and Socialism. Credits / Would you like to learn more: Star Trek Epic Music Suite - Where No One Has Gone Before - SamoStudios ( The old "Philosophy of Star Trek Economics" - LifeLoveAndAnarchy ( Don't forget to subscribe:


  1. Talking 60 Minutes about the "Philosophy of Star Trek", but you don`t care to mention the VulcansUtilitarianism. Learn the basics, boy.
  2. A really nicely put together video and clearly a lot of thought has gone into it. However I take issue with a lot of conclusions in the analysis. This is mainly due to several inaccurate statements about the Star Trek universe. E.g you don't have to join Starfleet if you want to go to space. Civilian ships do exist. There are numerous slip ups like these which end up misrepresenting what the various writers and creators behind the franchise are attempting to say with the material.
  3. Well done.
  4. I'm sorry but I could not further stomach your unabashed, erred bias in favour of capitalism. Nothing you have said about it's history in this otherwise fine piece of work is even remotely accurate.
  5. Wow, this was intense. I know Star Trek pretty good, but half of this history was new to me. Where did you get all this Star Trek history from?

    I like the comparison of the communism to the Borg. The forced collectivism, the theft of resources, the hatred of individual thought - it is very similar indeed.
  6. whoa , whoa WHOA !!!

    What the FUCK ! you start off with good things then push your own fucking capitalist bullshit ?!
  7. bonus points for mentioning the Venus Project <3
  8. I really enjoyed the video, till personal politics really began to leak out and show.
  9. i kinda want to see the Terran Empires history in the mirror universe
  10. (((Ferengi)))
  11. leave fucking earthlings 21 century politics out of it. WTF
  12. Wow. This is such an in-depth look at Star Trek. Please do more of these!
  13. The Philosophy of Watchmen pls, or star wars too
  14. This is pretty interesting but is this guy able to pronounce words?

    Vulcan Re-nan-na-sance
  15. I was spellbound by "The Philosophy of Star Trek." For me, Star Trek has always been my archetype, an inner image of transformation across the space of my lifetime. Its messages, its meaning have echoed within me for decades, helping guide me psychologically, intellectually and most especially ethically. The issues raised have always been relevant, even urgent, in our collective lives as well as my own. This is why I found "The Philosophy of Star Trek" so powerful. I ask the question here, now: what is the relationship between certain themes in this Star Trek documentary to our situation today in the early era of President Donald Trump? What are we seeing in our society now that was predicted by Star Trek, and perhaps what solutions are reflected in this documentary? Personally, I believe America is becoming divided, not unified as the President promised. I believe this division involves repressed frustration and rage in Americans that the President has identified and detonated, producing adherents and antagonists. I believe we must urgently become more "Vulcan" and control our emotions but without being neurotically repressed. I believe that "in diversity there is strength." Most of all, I believe that the longest distance is not from Earth to the farthest star. The longest distance is the voyage from the mind to the heart. The Final Frontier is within.
  16. Anarchy? these people can't merge in traffic with out road rage taking control of normally intelligent people. The ability to govern ones self with a population as large lets say America is improbable. i can see Anarchy working for a small population lets say 30 to 100. Anyway i love star trek
  17. Interesting to see it all laid out like this, but you glorify the European Enlightenment way too much. The Enlightenment preference of logic over emotions was also what allowed Europeans to justify horrific acts of violence and exploitation against women and darker peoples (as Frantz Fanon writes in Wretched of the Earth "Europe where they are never done talking of Man, yet murder men everywhere they find them, at the corner of every one of their own streets, in all the corners of the globe")
    It could not have been the Enlightenment values alone that paved the way from Star Trek, but the revolutionary anti-imperialist movements for a science that works for the betterment of ALL people. Star Trek is about the world evolving from colonialism and white supremacy so it can have true equality and freedom-- hence the prime directive and the Vulcan creed "infinite diversity in infinite combinations".
  18. When he says "augyooments", he means "augments". When he says "Yewyuhn", he means "Noonian". When he says "Zorack", he means "Surak". When he says "Voltuh", he means "Vorta". When he says "Kerosene White", he means "Ketrocel White". Hope that helps!
  19. Nice vid. Maybe you like to check-out my channel :-)
  20. Here! The real ECON (Eastern Coalition) Headquarter in Star Trek WWIII timeline :v

Additional Information:

Visibility: 121622

Duration: 0m 0s

Rating: 2129