The Venus Project | The Angry Architect

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

98-year-old architect Jaques Fresco presents his utopian vision of future cities, where our current monetary system overturned in favor of collective knowledge sharing and problem solving. He argues that if the science and technology of today was fully harnessed for constructive causes, instead of being controlled for personal profit, we could live in a society free from crime, poverty and war: material possessions become unnecessary, buildings are created in factories, and all mundane jobs are fully automated. A socialist pipe dream? Maybe, but it has still captured the imagination of many, with the full documentary garnering well over half a million views to date. Credits: TZMChapterGiessen on Youtube


  1. LOL it's like a 20-30s video too little nature, MORE technology, modernism =Art Deco?

Additional Information:

Visibility: 779

Duration: 12m 36s

Rating: 5