This Farm of the Future Uses No Soil and 95% Less Water

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Watch the next episode about San Francisco becoming a zero waste city: As urban populations continue to rise, innovators are looking beyond traditional farming as a way to feed everyone while having less impact on our land and water resources. Vertical farming is one solution that's been implemented around the world. Vertical farms produce crops in stacked layers, often in controlled environments such as those built by AeroFarms in Newark, New Jersey. AeroFarms grows a variety of leafy salad greens using a process called "aeroponics," which relies on air and mist. AeroFarms' crops are grown entirely indoors using a reusable cloth medium made from recycled plastics. In the absence of sun exposure, the company uses LED lights that expose plants to only certain types of spectrum. AeroFarms claims it uses 95% less water than a traditional farm thanks to its specially designed root misting system. And it is now building out a new 70,000 square foot facility in a former steel mill. Once completed, it's expected to grow 2 million pounds of greens per year, making it the largest indoor vertical farm in the world. For more on AeroFarms: Join the Seeker community! Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Tumblr: App - iOS App - Android


  1. Fake food, no thanks. We'll put you up into fake orbit on the fake ISS. You can fake grow it up there, add it to the fake kefir they're making....
  2. There are fields - endless fields - where crops are no longer planted, they are sown. For the longest time I wouldn't believe it, and then I saw the fields with my own eyes. Watched them liquefy the dead so they could be fed aeroponically to the living.
  3. Someone made minecraft in real life 😂👌💯✔️🅱️🔫🔫💀😝😜😈😈😈
  4. This project is dangerous shit!!!! We don't need more artificial food! We need natural food, grown with natural Sun, soil and water!
  5. Do you understand how lossful converting sun energy is? That's all fossil fuel is, is sun energy stored through organic life forms over millions of years. You're never going to get out more plant life then it took to make the fossil fuel so you're always going to have a net loss. Always use the sun directly or you will lose power.
  6. I'd like to at home
  7. i want to have it in india also
  8. I want to implement this vertical firming to my country. How can you help me to start this firming please??
  9. wow thats great....we need to protect our earth as well as the people.less toxins better health for everyone!
  10. im not sure how this affects flavor wise cause I'm a true believe that plants need to work in sync with soils to produce nutritional tasty flavors
  11. Can someone please give the narrator a tissue. Ugh!
  12. Now THAT'S something great AND good for the people and the planet!
  13. what about wheat/potatos and so on?
  14. i hope we have that here in Philippines
  15. They listen to the plants very carefully!!! Lmao 😂 ! I think there's a reason why things where originally made in a certain way and the more we mess with nature the more trouble we cause for ourselves and the planet in which we exist! I feel a new breed of skin disease coming from all this plastic food we're inventing in the dark! Just saying
  16. hell yes I think vertical farming will be an A+ excellent help than tearing away at our lands and at the rate it produces food is crazy wonderful and I think it would be better too climate wise when some years droughts may effect produce... at this rate it would be possibly less to no pesticides or chemicals in our produce that effects our overall health..can't wait for it to be every city and state
  17. i only saw one plant bed with LED lights, the rest all have fluorescent tubes. That many fluorescent lights is bad, because they only last a year or so and you could break it easily when replacing that many thousands and of them and contaminate your veggies with toxic mercury salts. Also, the energy bill must be rediculous. Each bulb is about 30 watts so do the math. For every 8 square feet of growing area, they must need a about 180 watts- 240 watts. That means the entire facility uses something like a million watts. How do they make any money?
  18. communazi lettuce farm
    efeminate skinny jean farmers we need
    real men real women farmers
  19. Love this idea of farming! Thanks for sharing
  20. Lettuce eat this food!
    Lettuce grow this at home and cut the carbon footprint even more by not driving to the store to buy it.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 2181548

Duration: 3m 38s

Rating: 47618