Timeless Grand Concourse - New York Post

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

The Post takes a tour of Art Deco-inspired buildings in the Bronx. Story: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/business/realestate/residential/urban_FChwSDV9KlSI0972nTq7XK The Post Got It Covered: Red Carpet: http://www.youtube.com/user/NYPost#grid/user/79FF470F88B24742 Post Movie Reviews: http://www.youtube.com/user/NYPost#grid/user/4B2A0738D1E4EECF News: http://www.youtube.com/user/NYPost#grid/user/DE5E5342DD85FB86 Twitter: http://twitter.com/newyorkpost Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/NewYorkPost RSS: http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/base/users/nypost/uploads iGoogle Gadget: http://www.google.com/ig/directory?type=gadgets&url=hosting.gmodules.com/ig/gadgets/file/106176226231832917782/New-York-Post.xml


  1. I have a much older friend who grew up in the Bronx in the 1940's, and he said it was a great place to live. He lived two blocks from Concourse, and it was just great. However, he's afraid to even visit the area now, and he's a real New Yorker. The crime in the area is just horrible even though there have been some attempts at restoring the Concourse area.
    There was a gay guy I met on the train a couple of years ago who moved to the Bronx for the cheaper rents. He said his apartment was great, but the neighbors would yell obscenities at him coming on from a night out. He tells me the Bronx is not at all gay-friendly.
    I love Brooklyn, and parts of it are just great especially since all the gentrification. Park Slope is grand.
    Manhattan I find the people aren't as friendly, and I'd never want to live in Manhattan.
    Realize I can only go by what I hear and see while visiting because I don't live in New York. I almost attended New York University but chickened out at the last minute because New York is so big.
    I love urban life, and I have visited enough to realize some neighborhoods have their own little (sort of town) environment. However, I've never ridden the subway, and it frightens me to think about riding it. I'd have to take cabs everywhere or bring my car.
    Anyway, I"m too old to think about relocating to New York now because where I live has been excellent to me financially, and I"m over 40. Starting over in a new city at that age is much different than starting over at 25.
  2. time for some brown people gentrification
  3. Love that frame at 0:50 !
  5. genterfacation at its finest
  6. Respond to this video... walking tour on grand course. pbase.com/patmorgan/the_bronx
  7. @MusicEqualsMemories walking tour
  8. fttaddjj

Additional Information:

Visibility: 4279

Duration: 4m 13s

Rating: 24