Tiny interiors big on style for luxury dolls houses

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

AP Television London, UK - May 13, 2012 1. Mid of Susan Rogers opening up Mulvany and Rogers Georgian-style dolls house 2. Close of table containing miniature food 3. Mid of same pans left over table 4. Mid tilt up of Mulvany and Rogers dolls house 5. Mid of living room in Mulvany and Rogers dolls house 6. Close pull focus showing the finely stitched rug in dolls house 7. SOUNDBITE: (English) Kevin Mulvany, Mulvany and Rogers dolls house "The level of accuracy would be that if you photographed them you wouldn't know it from the real thing. You would mistake it for the real thing unless you put something large in there to give scale." 8. Various of miniature red glass carafe and wine glasses by German maker Gerd Felka and costing �60 (97 USD) 9. Close pull of grocery basket from Spanish miniature food maker Tiny Ter Miniatures 10. SOUNDBITE: (English) Kevin Mulvany, Mulvany and Rogers dolls house "I suppose our houses, if you said a starting point would be �10,000 (16,110 USD) and then you could be into six figures quite easily." 11. Mid of Susan Rogers rearranging dolls house 12. Close of hands rearranging table 13. SOUNDBITE: (English) Kevin Mulvany, Mulvany and Rogers dolls house "People always say that costs as much as the real thing which is much bigger so that's not very good value is it. But actually it's not about the size, it's not about the materials. It's the hours and the skill." 14. Close of four poster bed 15. Close of brass flowers reflected in gold mirror 16. Close of brass flowers by Gill Rawling costing �295 (475 USD) 17. Mid of Georgina Ritson arranging her dolls 18. Close pull focus of Georgina Ritson's dolls 19. SOUNDBITE: (English) Georgina Ritson, bespoke doll maker "I first got into making dolls as a hobby initially, when my father built me a dolls house when I was very young. And I started dressing them as kits." 20. Mid of regency room setting with Mr Darcy and Mr Wickham Pride and Prejudice characters by Georgina Ritson 21. Close pull focus of Regency women dolls 22. Close of Mr Wickham doll pans right to Darcy 23. Mid of dolls pull focus 24. SOUNDBITE: (English) Georgina Ritson, bespoke doll maker "I work from home, because you obviously don't need a lot of space for something this small. I always work by the window in natural light, that's very important, because things look very different in this sort of light." 25. Close of Georgina Ritson 1940s doll 26. Mid of Tim Hartnall of Anglia Dolls Houses opening up large house 27. Close tilt up of interior of Anglia Dolls House the 'Lincoln House' costing �5,455 (8,790 USD) 28. Mid of Little Homes of England thatched cottage dolls house being opened 29. Close of terracotta chimney pot on cottage 30. SOUNDBITE: (English) Charlotte Stokoe, Kensignton Dollshouse Festival organiser "I think dolls houses people feel they can create a world where maybe they wished they lived or a world from their past - so a childhood house that maybe they grew up in - or something they've seen on the television or read about in a book they can create that in miniature. And they have control over the environment." 31. Wide pan right of Kensington Dollshouse Festival show floor 32. Wide of Teeny Weeny Teddies stand 33. Close of teddies sat on miniature settee 34. Close of Teeny Weeny Teddies owner Dave Pennant holding one of his bears 35. Close of Tiny Ter Miniatures baked loaves 36. Wide of Sussex Crafts miniature furniture 37. Close of antique furniture and art deco dressing table being picked up 38. Close pull focus of Jamie Carrington old woman and old man dolls 39. Mid of the same 40. Mid of Jamie Carrington dolls of two lovers 41. Close pan right of Mulvany and Rogers dolls house 42. Close pull focus of drinks tray LEADIN: wacky You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/4a80806f37727757a0d75985e2321789 Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork


    Additional Information:

    Visibility: 2166

    Duration: 5m 21s

    Rating: 9