Top 10 BEST and WORST blocks in Minecraft for Building Houses

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Top 10 BEST and WORST blocks in Minecraft for Building IN MY OPINION. It's hard to know sometimes if a minecraft block suits your house or not. But sometimes, they are so bad everyone hates them, OR SO I THOUGHT. I would like to add that the "worst" blocks are not awful everywhere, just when used for buildings. Every block has a use somewhere. These are just my favorites and least favorites. What are your favorite blocks? Thank you to Schottie, BotBox, Ajustme, Avux and PearlescentMoon for helping me make the house designs for each block! I reuploaded this video as I was not pleased with the original. I redid the commentary to redirect the message i was trying to put across. I am not afraid to try again to get it right. I want every upload to be something im proud of Follow me! - Twitter: - Facebook: - Twitch: - Instagram: -Powered by Chillblast:


  1. oh gawd I hate it when grian is ocd cuz like each block has a use he's acting like a noob cuz he's not showing the proper use using a variety of blocks
  2. Grian makes all of the blocks look good in builds
  3. I like wood
  4. #CobbleStone = Life
  5. Emerald blocks for me are good for floors
  6. i love emerald for building houses aka its my birth stone
  7. Why build your house out of sponge
  8. Also on xbox thunderstorms are become more common then rain and wool when near lightning gets set on fire
  9. If u use prismarine and birch together it looks pretty good!
  10. But grraaaaiinn! Sponge is the BEST BLOAUK EVEEAA!!! i LOVEeEE IT!! IM UNSUBBBING!!!!!
  11. Deorite? really? DEORITE???
  12. I got so triggered when i saw the sponge xD

    Lol sorry sponge lovers and spongebob
  13. I think primaries blocks in context
  14. I like nether rack but thanks!
  15. who cares what your house looks like along if you like it
  16. I made a casel out of purple blocks it looks amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. I used to use snow on all my houses lol its just such a good texture and color shade it's so good
  18. I absolutely LOVE stained clay so much XD
  19. I like building with prismarine. Not with prismarine bricks. D:
  20. D:

Additional Information:

Visibility: 2159117

Duration: 12m 47s

Rating: 26653