Top 10 Futuristic Materials

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Translucent concrete, electrified wood and living glass are just a few of the building materials that will dominate construction in the future. Song-"Subliminal Subterranean-Mix" by dj_delta is licensed under a Creative Commons license:


  1. How do you wash e textiles
  2. is it possible to get a sample of ^^amorphous metall^^?
  3. Who's watching this in 2016 XD
  4. cool
  5. GRAPHENE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FFS it's stronger than anything we've made before it's thinner it conducts heat and electricity better it's more flexible than carbon nanotubes and it can be used to make chips with the rate of 100ghz!!!
  6. Can't read that fast didn't feel like pausing
  7. The invisible objects are just using a projector to shine an image of the background on the object. The object in question only appears invisible if you're looking at it from precisely the right angle (the angle of the camera). Apparently, there is a Canadian startup that claims to have been working on a quantum-powered invisibility cloak. Not sure how that's going but I'm skeptical.
  8. some pedo randmly started talking
  9. Carbon nanotubes and aerogel are fantastic. Looking forward to their comings. 
  10. You straights up copied a website 
  11. The images of metamaterial were not metamaterials -_-
  12. You excluded Graphene from this list, let alone not having it at number 1?
  13. Fantastic boobs ☝👏👌
  14. Nymber 9.... Star Trek IV? lol
  15. And Flexinol muscle wires? this alloy is amazing i have used it to open and close doors in my house.
  16. I'm not sure what to call this but i'll just call it space-medal. it would be created in space due to micro gravity. On Earth gravity pulls all those mini bubbles down to the bottom but, in space the bubbles flow evenly throughout the steel so it would be just as strong but way lighter.  
  17. Good one just wondering how much of that is alien i origin..
  18. this is awesome
  19. Graphene!
  20. Nice work

Additional Information:

Visibility: 75417

Duration: 4m 19s

Rating: 176