Top Architects in India with their Buildings - MAD SCHOOL, NATA Coaching Classes Hyderabad, Chennai.

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Top Architects in India along with the names and pictures of their buildings.( Nata Aptitude Study Material) For More Information visit MADSCHOOL provides best NATA Coaching Classes in Hyderabad, Chennai. Call 8886768868 for enquiries.


  1. seems like the person behind this video is not an Architect. Many things are not true/correct.
  2. IIT-H the red building isnt by christopher. the student housing, faculty housing are..
  3. haffes contractor ... is not an architect ..
  4. one of the greatest architectural video
  5. ronchamp is in france!
  6. express towers are in San francisco

Additional Information:

Visibility: 11786

Duration: 6m 32s

Rating: 220