U2 360° - Creating The 360 Tour [The production of The Tour] (With Subtitles)

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

U2 360 tour documentary - Creating The 360 tour in 1080p [Squaring the Circle] FULL DOCUMENTARY Subtitles in different languages


  1. I can't imagine what question would elicit a response that, "it all begins with the carbon footprint." That should be #5,262 on list of concerns. It's about the music and presentation and safety.
  2. 13:02 Drowning Man sighting; but what is Unforgettable Man? :)
  3. I for one feel a lot better knowing they still use humble 58's to mic vocals and guitar cabinets.
  4. Edge" its a bit on the small side" lol
  5. Fun fact: This setup actually cracked the floor of Etihad stadium in Melbourne Australia. They had to prop up the underground parking underneath the stadium so the cracks in the floor wouldn't get any worse. This happened because there was only 4 points of contact for that behemoth of a stage roof. Last I heard the cracks are still there to this day.
  6. FOH guys always rock the zz top beards. The good ones at least.
    that Live Nation decided to DROP all this bullshit;
    and do the traditional J. Tree stage set up at stadium ENDzones. Drop all the bullshit. Lets just ROCK okay?! do it like you did back in 1988. Simple. Yet effective.
    Hey! Just like U2 USED to be!
    aAll crap like this setup did was take away room for 1,000 more fans.
    Just set up at the end. Stack the damn PA speakers - and kick some ass. Okay Dave!?
    Back to basics!
    thank you!
  8. original, innovative, imaginative, brave and talented!
  9. Like u2
  10. This is why I've hated Ufag2 for 30+ years.. pretentious assholes... A video about the production of the tour and it ends up being the U2 douch bags waxing philosophically about how great they are. What a bunch of twats...
  11. Rest in Peace Mark Fisher. :( you made bands look great.
  12. Acostumados a lotar estádios e chateados por sempre inutilizarem um lado das arquibancadas, as mentes diabólicas projetam um palco aberto no meio da galera. É show para todos os lados. São 360º de U2!

    A execução da ideia foi tão primorosa que nos deu uma linda “aranha”.

    Não bastasse isso, eles ainda dispõem de rampas para se aproximar ainda mais do público, aumentando o engajamento da plateia no show. É muito genial! É muito pop! É U2!

    O documentário abaixo mostra como essa maluquice foi construída, abordando diversos aspectos: sonho, loucura, arquitetura, mecânica, construção, som, luzes e LEDs, presença de palco e logística. Vale a pena assistir e é uma molezinha com legendas em Português:

    Leia mais no Blog Bora Ouvir Uma.
  13. Will they try to upstage this on next tour?
  14. Those who did not experince this tour, Such a loss.
  15. This 360 Tour was so cool to see in Denver. Now to see the engineering tech behind makes it still more cool!
  16. the worst gitarist on the planet
  17. What song? 8:45
  18. how to ruin the experience of a live gig - video mobile phones.... must be fking annoying as a spectator...
  19. There's no lack of pretence with U2. :)
  20. What's the song being played at 30:30?

Additional Information:

Visibility: 264031

Duration: 34m 44s

Rating: 1001