Universe Size Comparison 3D

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Size comparison of the entire universe 2017 in 3D. From the fabric of space-time itself, we journey outwards to subatomic elementary particles, to atoms, molecules, viruses, bacteria, cells, animals, planes, ships, buildings, mountains, countries, moons, planets, stars, solar systems, black holes, nebulas, galaxies, superclusters, supercluster-complex and finally the universe, but it goes beyond that... Thanks for everyone's support that we've managed to hit 100K subscribers (actually 125K now). Please like and share this video if you find it interesting and we'll continue making videos like this. This is the first of it's kind video which is incredibly hard to create due to the overload of resources. It took our team over 1000 hours across 6 months to do and we could not have done it without the support of every one of our subscribers and supporters. As of 12/3/2017 there are no other complete 3D size comparison available, hopefully this video could encourage others to do the same, for what we're all passionate with, the perspective view of our Universe. Click to view these size comparisons: Particles Size Comparison: 1:02 Atoms Size Comparison: 1:48 Macromolecules Size Comparison: 1:57 Viruses Size Comparison: 2:08 Bacteria Size Comparison: 2:18 Cell Size Comparison: 2:27 Micro Organisms Size Comparison: 2:38 Animals Size Comparison: 3:25 Sea Monsters Size Comparison: 3:32 Dinosaurs Size Comparison: 3:44 Aircraft Size Comparison: 4:02 Ships Size Comparison: 4:14 Building Height Comparison: 4:23 Longest Bridge Comparison: 4:38 Tallest Mountain Size Comparison: 4:41 Asteroids/Moons Size Comparison: 4:50 Planets Size Comparison: 5:01 Star Size Comparison: 5:31 Solar System Size Comparison: 6:13 Black Hole Size Comparison: 6:26 Nebula Size Comparison: 6:35 Galaxy Size Comparison: 7:24 Superclusters Size Comparison: 7:48 Beyond Universes Size Comparison: 8:23 Music: Opus One by Jason Shaw (http://audionautix.com) Licensed by CC 3.0 Atlantis by Jason Shaw (http://audionautix.com) Licensed by CC 3.0 Intro by MIQ designs (https://www.youtube.com/user/ToadProducti0n/about) Animation: Blender, Sketchup, Premier Pro, After Effects, Illustrator 3D models from 3D Warehouse, tf3dm.com, archive3d.net Textures from NASA, Sketchup, or other Public Domain images. Sources/References/Credits: http://htwins.net/scale2/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GoW8Tf7hTGA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIiJZINJFiw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqIXzc-1300 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vnA_KIojLg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orders_of_magnitude_(length) https://www.forbes.com/sites/startswithabang/2016/09/17/ask-ethan-how-small-is-an-elementary-particle/#563dd1d55ca3 https://global.britannica.com/science/macromolecule https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Largest_organisms http://socialcompare.com/en/tools/compare-sizes https://www.buzzfeed.com/donnad/comprehensive-size-comparison-of-almost-everything?utm_term=.of241AA0N#.ti05YwwEa https://futurism.com/size-comparisons-of-the-largest-objects-in-the-known-universe/


  1. God is the one that created these universes!! ( Getting some popcorn cuz i wanna see them retarded triggered "athiests"
  2. 10^10^10^112......How many f*ck*ng zeros is this????
  3. Something like this solidifies in my mind that God has to exist. How can something so unfathomably ginormous and complex come from an accidental bang. Why is the concept of some almighty, foreign creator setting something so infinite into motion that abstract? Something as infinitely massive as the universe is too intricate to have had accidentally exploded into existence. It's so clear to me that a creator set it into motion. The fact that we can have such complex observations, "religious" debates, etc. only further proves how unbelievably complex the human mind is. I just can't even imagine how all of this could have suddenly exploded into existence from... nothing. 😂😂😂
  4. 🤔🤔🤔😑😑🤔✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️
  5. Hole sweet fuck......
  6. I think we should call the universe where Hellary won the election Hell seems fitting
  7. my brain just exploded
  8. i love this film
  9. my dick still bigger than anything
  10. It is impossible for the homo sapiens to comprehend what we call "The Universe" is nothing more then a figment of our imagination
  11. deserves way more wievs
  12. 5:49 look at 2 blue balls
  13. Can you do Toxicity Comparison next?
  14. his voice sounded like it was trying to be cool and mysterious but it didnt work
  15. one of the best video
  16. Idk but I hate your voice
  17. for ALL of the people here... it's ok to believe in God.. but you can't mix science and religion.. or else.. alot people Will hate you... or if you want to do a science experiment to find out what caused something.. and you say that it's god.. then you will NEVER find out the answer.. it's like when you are saying a simple disease is caused by God.. while there is a cure that you can relate to science
  18. This is so satisfying
  19. This shit went toooooooo fucking faaaaaarrr
  20. The Size of the Universe is unknown. You might be refering to the OBSERVABLE Universe (A.K.A, the part of the universe whose light has reached Earth).

Additional Information:

Visibility: 1051983

Duration: 10m 0s

Rating: 22333