"Walking City"

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Short Film 7:48 Director: MATT PYKE Animation: UNIVERSAL EVERYTHING http://www.universaleverything.com Creative director Matt Pyke at UK studio Universal Everything: "Referencing the utopian visions of 1960's architecture practice Archigram, 'Walking City' is a slowly evolving video sculpture. The language of materials and patterns seen in radical architecture transform as the nomadic city walks endlessly, adapting to the environments she encounters. "Archigram is an innovative London-based architectural group born in the 60s whose core creative focus included futurism, anti-heroic and pro-consumerism. They largely drew inspiration from technology, enabling their projects to contain futuristic elements and ensuring they were completely ahead of their field for that time." For Universal Everything Creative Director: Matt Pyke Animation: Chris Perry Sound: Simon Pyke The short films, music videos and motion design you see on STASH, took a long time to produce. Show your appreciation to these incredible artists by "liking" them and sharing with your friends. Thanks! Visit our official Stash Media website : http://www.stashmedia.tv


  1. Kinda longish, but I watched it all. Successful display of skills. Music is good too.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 635

Duration: 7m 48s

Rating: 10