We are the Gods Now - Jason Silva at Sydney Opera House

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Keynote speech at the Festival of Dangerous Ideas - which took place at the concert hall of the Sydney Opera House. "Part Timothy Leary, part Ray Kurzweil, and part Neo from 'The Matrix.'..." JASON SILVA is an extraordinary new breed of philosopher who meshes philosophical wisdom of the ages with an infectious optimism for the future. Combining intriguing insights and a mastery of digital filmmaking, Jason delivers philosophical shots of espresso, which unravel the incredible possibilities the future has to offer the human race. Called the "Timothy Leary of the Viral Video Age" by The Atlantic, and a "Performance Philosopher" by the TED Conference, Jason draws from his experiences as a television personality, a media artist, a filmmaker, and a techno-philosopher to share his inspirational take on scientific and technological advancements, the evolution of intelligence, and the human condition. Using his series of short videos, which The Atlantic described as "movie trailers for ideas," Jason explores the co-evolution of humans and technology. His videos have garnered over 2 million views. Jason's work is a kind of "existential jazz," a fan says, "like a trumpet player or modern-day digital Mingus, he jams, riffs and rhapsodizes through a tumbling thicket of ideas with such a sharp and vital alacrity that it can take the breath away. He's a modern performance philosopher, reviving the vibe of Tim Leary and Buckminster Fuller and revivifying the dialogue that they started decades ago." The Imaginary Foundation says, "Like some kind of Ontological DJ, he recompiles the source code of western philosophy by mixing and mashing it up into a form of recombinant creativity, which elevates understanding from the dry and prosaic, to a sensual cognitive romance." Join Jason Silva every week as he freestyles his way into the complex systems of society, technology and human existence and discusses the truth and beauty of science in a form of existential jazz. New episodes every Tuesday. Watch More Shots of Awe on TestTube http://testtube.com/shotsofawe Subscribe now! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=shotsofawe Jason Silva on Twitter http://twitter.com/jasonsilva Jason Silva on Facebook http://facebook.com/jasonlsilva Jason Silva on Google+ http://plus.google.com/102906645951658302785


  1. Wow ! Thank you .... Loved it ! Peace
  2. That's extremely interesting! Love, Love, Love Jason Silva ! I just recently listened to him on The Art of Charm podcast.
  3. he is eminem of philosophy, loved it
  4. I dont see his point, he is going from one thing to another talking about how the human mind created everything around us..... ok.... so what about it? he has memorized a bunch of different things and blurting it out
  5. inspiring
  6. things are getting better in some way worse in others - we also have to think of the political proclivities of the authors he mentions because if they are for the state they will write in support of it - here we are in 2016 war with china, Russia the us etc is closer every day - life expectancy for white males in the us is decreasing - the world is dotted with nuclear weapons and through declassified documents we see the lunatics sorry leaders of the world have nearly ended life on earth many many times through error rather than terror
  7. It's not like corporate America will take advantage of Big Data or anything to keep telling consumers they need things they don't so they can be "happy". We definitely need to have a change of perspective in America of what is important because technology driven by people that emphasize wealth and power as the keys to happiness are going to make us go the wrong direction.
  8. if I didn't have adult ADD I would think his ideas are fascinating. Bring on the robot revolution!
  9. anyone know the background song at 32:10
  10. sorry I'm saying this but exponential growth is like scaffolding, it is fragile.
  11. dropping names like Timothy Leary and Terrence McKenna, calling all psychonauts and Jungians???
  12. We are physical gods but our mental is infected but the notion of death and sins-
  13. LOL those two old guys at 22:17
  14. He may be right. We will become Gods, but probably not the immortal kind. (when we create smarter machines than ourselves)

    So we will become Gods, once we create Gods.
  15. pretentious hipster trash
  16. This guy does coke and jacks off in his own mouth while watching his own videos.
  17. I think wether or not you are religious tells me a lot about your IQ. Meaning if you buy into religion you lack a certain ability to think for your self. Btw not saying there isn't god, just saying people don't have a clue yet they act like they do and the answer is in an old book written by people who thought the earth was flat.
  18. I think we all get the awesomeness of life, what we don't get is the corruption, the stupidness, the violence, abuse and the deception. We cannot keep evolving if we don't fix those things first.
  19. unleash the kraken...
  20. I'd love to see a collaboration with Kirby Ferguson.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 300839

Duration: 37m 2s

Rating: 4485